CfP: Fourteenth annual symposium on the social history of military technology
14th Annual Symposium of the Social History of Military Technology
(SSHMT) will be scheduled as part of the program for the 46th Conference
of the International Committee for the History of Technology (ICOHTEC),
Katowice, Poland, 22–27 July 2019. SSHMT seeks papers about: (1)
representations of weapons as well as weapons themselves, about ideas as
well as hardware, about organization as well as materiel; (2) ways in
which social class, race, gender, culture, economics, politics, or other
extra-military factors have influenced and been influenced by the
invention, r&d,
diffusion, or use of weapons or other military technologies; (3) the
roles that military technologies play in shaping and reshaping the
relationships of soldiers to other soldiers; soldiers to military,
political, and social institutions; and military institutions to other
social institutions, most notably political and economic; and/or (4)
historiographical or museological topics that discuss how military
technology has been analyzed, interpreted, and understood in other
fields, other cultures, and other times. Pre-modern and non-Western
topics are particularly welcome. Papers may be presented in English,
French, German, Spanish, or Russian, but all proposals must be submitted in English.
Proposals must include a short descriptive title of the paper, an
abstract (maximum 300 words), and a short CV (maximum 1 page). Send your
proposal to Bart Hacker at: <>, no later than 10 January 2019, but earlier is better.