CfP: ESSHC 2022 Sexuality Network (Gothenburg, Sweden)
14th European Social Science History Conference, Gothenburg, Sweden, 20-23 April, 2022
The ESSHC Sexuality Network invites paper and panel proposals for its biennial
meeting in 2022. Founded in 1998, the Sexuality Network is Europe’s oldest and
only recurrent forum for the presentation of new work in the history of
sexualities from around the globe. It brings together both junior and senior
scholars of sexual history from a wide range of countries, and is neither
restricted to European topics, nor to European historians.
As always, the Network
organizers will consider individual papers and pre-organized panels on the
history of sexuality from a diversity of topics, cultural and geographical
settings as well as historical periods. Particularly welcome are themed
pre-organized panels (of 3 to 4 papers) or topical roundtable discussions,
which explore new areas or directions, or that fill historiographical gaps.
The Network is especially interested in papers and panels that explore sexuality via intersectional perspectives, such as those that consider the histories of race and ethnicity (including colonial and intercultural encounters), gender (including transgender, non-binary or intersex positions), class, and ability. The Network particularly welcomes papers and panels that use comparative, transnational, or global approaches.
In composing the programme,
the Network organizers will base their selection on the following criteria:
empirical grounding, originality, geographic spread and panel coherence. We
strive for a balance between early career researchers and established scholars.
Participation in the conference is competitive and we regret we cannot
accommodate all applications.
The deadline for pre-registration of a paper or session proposal on our website
is 15 May 2021.
For general
information and the online pre-registration, please visit
With regard to the
Sexuality Network in particular, please contact its chairs:
Chiara Beccalossi
Wannes Dupont
Andrew DJ Shield
Contact Info: Wannes Dupont. Assisant
Professor of History, Yale-NUS College