Cfp Tensions of Europe Early Career Scholars workshop. Porto and online, August 1, 2016.
Type: Call for Papers
Date: June 8, 2016
Location: Portugal
Subject Fields: European History / Studies, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology
Cfp Tensions of Europe Early Career Scholars workshop
Porto and online, August 1, 2016
connection to the ICOHTEC conference in Porto this summer, the Early
Careers Scholars group from the Tensions of Europe network (
will arrange a one-day workshop. Participation is available both on
site at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto
(FLUP,, and online through a meeting platform.
of Europe (TOE) is an international scientific network consisting of
almost 300 historians trying to understand the role of technology in
20th century Europe. Since the start in 1999, the network explored a
broad range of themes, focusing on the linking and delinking of
infrastructures, the emergence of transnational technical communities
and the circulation of artifacts, systems, knowledge and people in
Europe. By organizing inspiring conferences and summer schools as well
as by stimulating international research collaboration and disseminating
research results to various audiences, TOE wants to reveal the role of
technology as an agent of change in European history.
Tensions of Europe network is currently exploring a new research
agenda. The tentative overarching theme for this agenda is “Technology
and the Making of Europe’s Societal Crises/Challenges, a Transnational
History ca 1850-Today”.The theme was explored at a workshop in Vught in
March 2016 (
It will be further discussed over the coming years in workgroups,
during workshops, and at the ToE conferences (including the upcoming one
in Athens, Sept. 7-10, 2017, please find a CfP at
The first part of the Porto workshop discusses this process and
different ways to contribute to it. We hope also to engage people who
have not before been involved in the ToE network.
Some tentative questions we want to explore through this agenda are:
• What is the role of technology, as cause, medium, and solution, in the making of crisis understandings and realities?
• How are meanings of crises generated?
• How does technology mediate interdependencies between crises/challenges?
• How can we understand the temporality of crises?
• How can we understand the spatiality of crises?
• How did actors historically anticipate to, react to, or govern crises?
Workshop program
The workshop will have two main components:
The main part of the program will be dedicated to the developing ToE
research agenda. There will be reports from the Tensions of Europe
workshop in Vught, (,
as well as from the Tensions of Europe session at the SHOT conference
in Singapore. We will present the different work groups that have formed
and also discuss other themes that could be interesting to form working
groups around.
2: In the second part of
the day we welcome those who want to get comments on article drafts, a
proposal for funding, presentations, course syllabi etc, to present in
any form. We will assign commentators for all texts we have on the
program. The group also acts as a resource for input on literature,
references and contacts with scholars if you want to present a
project/course idea or the project you are currently working on. We aim
for this to be a space for informal comments and discussions, and thus
encourage participation in all forms and stages of preparation.
We will try to make it possible for as many people as possible to
attend virtually throughout the day, both as presenters and as
listeners. When we send out the instruction for participation online, we
please ask you to read through these instructions carefully in good
time before the workshop starts. We will also likely want to gather all
of those who join us virtually for a trial on Monday morning before the
workshop starts, to make sure the connections work. This is an
experiment, and we kindly ask your understanding with regard to the
technical problems that will no doubt arise at some point during the
If you are interested to join, please
tell us who you are (Name, affiliation and email address) as well as
whether you want to present, comment or be a listener. If you want to
present, send us an abstract (max. 250 words).
Send your proposals to no later than July 8th, 2016.