Call for Applications: PhD Programme: HISTORY – change and continuity in a global world


2 May to 15 June 2016 (FCT grants)
2 May to 9 September (PhD Programme)

This is an international and inter-university PhD programme, with the participation of the most relevant History departments and research units of the University of Lisbon (Institute of Social Sciences and Faculty of Letters), ISCTE- Lisbon University Institute, Portuguese Catholic University and University of Évora. 
This PhD programme has been selected for funding by the Portuguese Agency for Science and Technology (FCT). It offers 4 PhD scholarships and further financial support throughout the preparation of the PhD dissertation. 
Classes run in Lisbon from 19 September 2016 onwards. Courses and seminars are taught in Portuguese and English. Enrolled students receive monitoring assistance by tutors and supervisors.
Please circulate this announcement among colleagues and graduate students of your institutions and networks. 

For further information please contact: