Cushing Prize in History and Philosophy of Physics

The family, students, friends, and colleagues of Jim Cushing are pleased
once again to solicit nominations for the *James T. Cushing Prize in the
History and Philosophy of Physics*.

In recognition of Jim’s well-known role as a nurturer of new talent in the
profession, this annual prize is intended to recognize and reward the work
of younger scholars. The next winner will receive $1,000 and an invitation
to deliver a paper in the University of Notre Dame’s History and Philosophy
of Science Colloquium series during the 2012-2013 academic year.

Work is eligible by nomination only. Eligible are all papers in the history
and philosophy of physics published by a younger scholar within the three
years prior to the current call for nominations (i.e., published no earlier
than October 2008). Without defining “younger scholar,” our intention is to
favor work produced by scholars who are no more than five years or so
beyond completion of the Ph.D. or, in a comparable way, new to the fields
of the history and philosophy of physics.

Nominated work will be evaluated by a committee drawn from the members of
the Advisory Committee <>.
A nomination should consist of a brief description of the significance of
the nominated work and such information about the author as the nominator
might think helpful to the evaluation committee (e.g., an abbreviated
c.v.).  *The deadline for receipt of nominations is 15 March 2012.  *The
winner will be announced in May 2012.

Nominations will be accepted by mail, fax, and email.

*By mail:*
Cushing Memorial Prize Nominations
History and Philosophy of Science Graduate Program
346 O’Shaughnessy
University of Notre Dame
Notre Dame, IN 46556

*By fax: *574-631-7418 (“Cushing Memorial Prize Nomination” on cover sheet)

*By email: * <>

Please be sure to include the following information:

  - The name, institutional affiliation, phone number, fax number (if
  available), mailing address, and email address *for both the nominator
  and the nominee*.
  - A full reference to the published work (i.e., journal name, volume,
  page numbers, URL or pdf if available, etc.).

For more information:

  - Phone: Darrin Snyder Belousek at 419-221-1856 or Don Howard at
  - Email: <>
