CFP: Science and Technology in Ibero-America
Dossier: Science and Technology in Ibero-America
Studies about science and technology have been captivating historiographic interest in Ibero-America. A series of important work has recently appeared related to the history of medicine, expeditions, cartography, information technology, the development of aeronautics and energy in addition to other fields which link technology and progress in Ibero-America.
As a way to spur this emerging historiographic trend Hib, Revista de Historia Iberoamericana, will dedicate a special dossier to this topic accepting new approaches and perspectives on this theme, especially from young scholars.
This dossier looks to expand the analysis and publish work that, for example: contributes to the understanding regarding the adaptation processes of scientific and technological knowledge originating inside and outside of Ibero-America; the use and impact of this knowledge on the region; the symbolic character and the cultural imaginaries associated with science and technology; the circulation of scientists and technicians; the creation and patenting processes of new inventions; the link between the scientific and the technological and the nation building and state strengthening processes; or concerning the relation between science and technology with power, public policies and social and economic development.
The possibilities that this dossier brings are ample and look to transform this special issue, which will be published in June 2016 and serve as a point of reference for all scholars interested in the topic of science and technology in Ibero-America.
It should be noted that the dossier does not have any type of thematic emphasis or is restricted to a particular time period; consequently the journal will receive work related to Ibero-America regardless of the time period it addresses.
For those interested in sending articles the deadline for submission is March 4, 2016. Articles should be sent to the journal’s editorial assistant Luz María Díaz de Valdés, at
For more information on the journal and publication guidelines visit
REVISTA DE HISTORIA IBEROAMERICANAEditorial assistant: Luz María Díaz de Valdés