
CfP: Bodies and Environments in the Early Modern World

Bodies and Environments in the Early Modern World. 9th-10th June 2025 John Rylands Research Institute, Manchester, UK Keynote speakers: Marcy Norton (University of Pennsylvania) & Sara Miglietti (The Warburg Institute) PhD students and ECRs are particularly encouraged to apply. Reasonable travel and accommodation expenses for speakers will be covered. Please send an abstract (max. 300 words) and a short bio (100 words) to Eleanor Shaw by 3 February 2025. Scholarship on early modern embodiment has emphasised the body’s porosity, permeability and instability. Early modern bodies did not end at the skin, but rather their interior and exterior worlds were in constant material exchange. Close engagement with, and management of, the body’s surroundings was thus essential for ensuring health and wellbeing. We invite papers examining the relationship between bodies and environments in any context and geographical location c. 1500-1750. Topics may include but are not limited to: Practic...

CfP: Leviathan and after – a celebration of the history of science, the field, and its future

On Monday 12 May 2025, University College London’s Department of Science and Technology Studies and the Science Museum, London, will mark the 40th anniversary of Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer's field-changing Leviathan and the Air Pump with a landmark celebration of history of science, the field, and its future. Keynote: Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer in conversation with John Tresch at the Science Museum, London. Forty years ago, Steven Shapin and Simon Schaffer's Leviathan and the Air Pump approached ranges of scientific methods as integrated within contrasting patterns of behaviour and ways of life. Their suggestion was that solutions to the problems of knowledge are solutions to the problem of social order. That suggestion becomes ever more significant in periods of dramatic social and political transformations and of shifting models and standards of knowledge. Four decades after the appearance of that book, we invite up and coming researchers to consider how the relat...

Novedad bibliográfica: Agnotologías. Saberes e ignorancias en la España del siglo XX

Editors: Clara Florensa, Agustí Nieto-Galan, José Ramón Bertomeu Sánchez.                                RESUM/ABSTRACT No conviene despreciar lo que se ignora. Así lo afirmó Antonio Machado hace más de un siglo y también lo confirman las recientes investigaciones en historia social y cultural de la ignorancia. Hace más de una década que se emplea la expresión "agnotología" (estudio de la ignorancia) como imagen especular de la epistemología (estudio del conocimiento). En este libro se utiliza esta reciente historiografía para analizar diversas formas de ignorancia en la España del siglo XX. Algunos conocimientos nunca llegaron a sus potenciales destinatarios porque se ocultaron, expurgaron o tergiversaron. Otros saberes nunca se produjeron por falta de interés académico, apoyo institucional o falta de recursos materiales y humanos. Algunos fueron desautorizados o transformados en falsas controversias públicas, en incertidumbre manufacturada, a menudo concebida para evitar qu...

CfP: EURHO 2025: Engineers and the rural environment in the XX century

Contributions are invited to an organised session at the upcoming European Rural History Organisation (EURHO) conference in Coímbra, Portugal (9-12 September 2025). EURHO 2025 event page: https://ruralhistory2025.org/ . Session title: S38 | Engineers and the rural environment in 20th century Europe Organizers Iñaki Iriarte – Universidad de Zaragoza Francesco D´Amaro – Universidad Autónoma de Madrid Judit Gil-Farrero – Universidad de Zaragoza Since the late 19th century, different corps of engineers have intervened in European rural environment and, consequently, on European rural societies. Agronomists sought to modernize production by analysing the best farming systems or livestock management practices and recommending or, in some cases, imposing the techniques that should be adopted by farmers. Civil engineers, on the other hand, planned and developed transport networks or irrigation systems, which could include the construction of large reservoirs, significantly impacting the affect...

CfP: Scientiae 2025 Annual Conference, Istanbul

Call for Papers for Scientiae 2025: Annual Conference, which will be held from 16 to 19 September 2025 in Istanbul, Türkiye, and hosted by the Department of the History of Science at Istanbul University. Situated at the intellectual crossroads of Europe and Asia, this year’s conference will focus on global connections, with an emphasis on, but not limited to, the early modern period (1400–1800). Enriched by worldwide scholarly communities, the study of early modern science, literature, and scholarship has become increasingly global since the founding of Scientiae in 2012. Building on Scientiae’s interdisciplinary legacy, the conference will underscore the interconnectedness of regions, periods, cultures, and material and intellectual traditions. We welcome proposals for individual papers, organised panels, roundtables, and workshops on all topics related to the 1400–1800 period. The submission deadline is 1 March 2025. For additional information about the Scientiae 2025 Annual Conferen...

Novedad bibliográfica: Horrores cercanos. Guerra e innovación humanitaria en la España contemporánea

Horrores cercanos. Guerra e innovación humanitaria en la España contemporánea, 1860-1939 Javier Martínez Antonio, Jon Arrizabalaga, Alejandra de Leiva Pérez, Manuel Galindo Dobón, Xavier Garcia Ferrandis, Juan Carlos García Reyes, Carlos Hervás Puyal, Anna La Torre, Pablo Larraz Andía, Àlvar Martínez-Vidal, Guillermo Sánchez-Martínez Este libro ofrece un profundo y detallado análisis sobre la relación entre guerra, humanitarismo e innovación médica en la España contemporánea, que abarca desde mediados del siglo XIX hasta la guerra civil española (1936-1939). En sus páginas se examinan las complejas dinámicas entre los avances en la medicina humanitaria y las terribles consecuencias de los conflictos bélicos, mostrando cómo las guerras modernas no solo transformaron las formas de combatir, sino también de atender a las víctimas, mortales o no, ya fueran soldados, prisioneros, desplazados o civiles. Aborda así el humanitarismo de guerra desde múltiples aspectos: la identificación y g...

Novedad bibliográfica: Ciencia, técnica y libertad en España

El libro Ciencia, técnica y libertad en España , obra colectiva coordinada por Miguel Ángel Puig-Samper, José María López Sánchez, Marcos Prados Martín y Alba Lérida Jiménez, publicada por la Sociedad Española de Historia de las Ciencias y de las Técnicas, recoge más de una cincuentena de contribuciones presentadas al XIV Congreso de la SEHCYT.  Url: https://books.google.es/books?id=yaw0EQAAQBAJ&printsec=frontcover&hl=es#v=onepage&q&f=false

CfA: Who knows what in mental health care? Philosophical perspectives on lived experience, experiential knowledge and epistemic injustice

In many Western countries, mental health care practice and research is increasingly valuing the participation and contributions of (former) service users. A variety of motivations (ethical, epistemological, socio-political, …) is driving the trend of including (the views of) people with lived experience into various forms of care, research and policy-making. Philosophers are picking up on this trend, and are addressing various elements of this complex phenomenon by drawing on a range of theoretical fields and empirical frameworks. The goal of this conference is to bring together researchers who work on similar, adjacent fields, such as lived experience research, experiential knowledge and expertise, and epistemic injustice. We invite contributions (for oral, in-person presentations) that address the following, or related, questions: How may we further substantiate the various motivations (e.g. socio-political, ethical, epistemological, …) to include people with lived experience into me...

CfP: Volume 4 Journal of the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists

https://historyofwomenphilosophers.org/call-for-papers-volume-4-journal-of-the-history-of-women-philosophers-and-scientists/ The Journal of the History of Women Philosophers and Scientists (JHWPS) is pleased to invite submissions for a special issue spotlighting the remarkable contributions of Latin American women philosophers and other intellectuals amidst the backdrop of profound social transformation spanning the 16th to the 20th centuries. This edition aims to illuminate the multifaceted methodologies and distinctive writing styles employed by these thinkers, which are intricately woven with their engagements in intersectional, decolonial, feminist, and ethical discourses. The works of Latin American women philosophers as well as theorists from related disciplines stand as a testament to the rich scenario of philosophical inquiry emerging from their diverse cultural, historical, and political contexts. Their scholarship not only offers penetrating insights into enduring philosophic...

CfP: Truth and Falsity in Feminist Epistemology, Workshop in Freiburg, 6-7 August 2025

CFP: “Is that so? Truth and Falsity in Feminist Epistemologies”, Workshop at the Professorship for Epistemology & Theory of Science, UCF, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 6–7 August 2025 Confirmed participants include Linda Martín Alcoff (CUNY), Nadja El Kassar (University of Luzern) and Daniel Loick (University of Amsterdam). “Situated knowledges” (Haraway 1988) and “strong objectivity” (Harding 1991: 138–163) are but two well-known conceptual innovations from feminist epistemologies. In fact, researchers in this field have not just submitted the basic concepts of knowledge and objectivity to ruthless criticism but have advanced innovative re-conceptualizations, Haraway’s and Harding’s among them. However, the closely related concept of truth has received less attention. There are important criticisms of sovereign conceptions of truth, i.e., of conceptions that rely on the infamous “god trick” of a view from nowhere and thereby presuppose the existence of a sovereign epi...