Scratching the Surface: the history of skin, its diseases and their treatment

Conference Announcement  - Call for Papers

Scratching the Surface: the history of skin, its diseases and their

The University of Birmingham (UK), 29-30 October 2010

An international conference hosted by the History of Medicine Unit,
University of Birmingham, and sponsored by the Wellcome Trust and the
Society for the Social History of Medicine.

Skin and skin disease is a central focus of many sub-fields in the
history of medicine, including the history of venereal disease, cancer,
leprosy, TB and industrial medicine. This conference seeks to address
the subject of skin, its diseases and their treatment broadly since
1700. In the process, it aims to bring together individuals working in
very different sub-fields in medical and cultural history over the past
three centuries. It further aims to promote discussion of the subject in
the context of the history of specialisation more generally, as well as
the history of senses, sight, smell and touch being central to
understandings of skin disease and the way in which such diseases are
experienced by practitioners, patients and the public historically. The
history of skin ailments also invites exploration of the historical
relationship between professional medicine and wider cultural endeavors
such as aesthetics, probing realms where health and beauty converge. The
conference might similarly offer an opportunity to examine how medical
understandings of the skin may have influenced or been influenced by the
politics of race.

The organisers wish to invite proposals for 20-30 minute papers on any
aspect of the history of skin and its diseases since 1700. Abstracts
should be between 200-300 words in length and will be received until 30
April. A programme, featuring a keynote address by Professor Philip
Wilson (Penn State, USA), will be advertised in June 2010.

For more information, please contact the organisers:

Dr Jonathan Reinarz, University of Birmingham, UK

Professor Kevin Siena, Trent University, Canada <> <>
