7th STEP Meeting: Delay in notification of acceptance
Dear all,
We need to extend the deadline for the notification of acceptance/rejection of proposals by about ten days.
Due to the amount of papers and sessions submitted, we need more time to review the abstracts and have ready a first preliminary draft of the programme.
Please apologize for the delay.
On behalf of the Scientific Committee:
Dr. Aileen Fyfe, NUI Galway, Ireland, aileen.fyfe@nuigalway.ie
Dr. Juliana Adelman, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, adelmanj@tcd.ie
Dr. Nick Tosh, NUI Galway, Ireland, nick.tosh@nuigalway.ie
Dr. Faidra Papanelopoulou, University of Athens, Greece, faidrap@gmail.com
Dr. Anders Lundgren, University of Uppsala, Sweden, anders.lundgren@idehist.uu.se
Dr. David Nofre, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, d.nofremateo@uva.nl
Contact us at: step2010.galway@gmail.com
STEP - Science and Technology in the European Periphery
STEP Web Page http://www.uoa.gr/step
Dear all,
We need to extend the deadline for the notification of acceptance/rejection of proposals by about ten days.
Due to the amount of papers and sessions submitted, we need more time to review the abstracts and have ready a first preliminary draft of the programme.
Please apologize for the delay.
On behalf of the Scientific Committee:
Dr. Aileen Fyfe, NUI Galway, Ireland, aileen.fyfe@nuigalway.ie
Dr. Juliana Adelman, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland, adelmanj@tcd.ie
Dr. Nick Tosh, NUI Galway, Ireland, nick.tosh@nuigalway.ie
Dr. Faidra Papanelopoulou, University of Athens, Greece, faidrap@gmail.com
Dr. Anders Lundgren, University of Uppsala, Sweden, anders.lundgren@idehist.uu.se
Dr. David Nofre, University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, d.nofremateo@uva.nl
Contact us at: step2010.galway@gmail.com
STEP - Science and Technology in the European Periphery
STEP Web Page http://www.uoa.gr/step