Etienne Baluze prize for European local history

The Etienne Baluze Prize for European local history rewards a PhD
thesis in history that contributes to the knowledge and understanding
of the constitution of the European space from a localized perspective.
The Etienne Baluze Prize is open to individuals working in any
historiographical tradition. It will be awarded for work which makes
an important contribution to our knowledge and understanding of the
processes leading to the constitution of European space, including its
most recent configurations.
Unpublished doctoral theses dealing with the European space between
the 14th and the 21st centuries will qualify for consideration. Only
theses examined since 2008 are eligible. Languages accepted are
English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Applicants must submit
an abstract of their work, on paper and electronically, (3-5 pages
together with a table of contents), no later than 10 April 2010 to the
following address: (Prize Executive :Jean Boutier,Ecole des Hautes
Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Centre de la Charité,
2 rue de la Charité
13002 Marseille
tél. : 00/33/ (0)4 91 14 07 83)
Short-listed candidates will be required to submit a complete copy of
their work.
The prize winner will receive the sum of 1500 euro and a bust of
Etienne Baluze, sculpted by the contemporary artist Nacera Kainou. The
jury will be presided by Daniel Roche, Professor, Collège de France,
Founded in 2007 by the Association des Amis du Musée du Cloître André
Mazeyrie of Tulle, the prize is dedicated to the memory of Etienne
Baluze (1630-1718). Professor of Canon Law at the Collège de France
and historian renowned for his works on ecclesiastical and political
institutions in the Middle Ages and the early-modern period, Baluze
focused on the Roman Catholic Church and the states of Europe both
from a national and a local perspective. Tulle, his native town,
served as a research field to grasp the major transformations in
medieval and modern Europe. His Histoire de Tulle, published in Latin
in 1717, remains to this day a model of meticulous investigation into
the local production of European political and juridical realities.

The Etienne Baluze Prize reflects this methodological approach with
its emphasis on broad themes and open-ended problematics. The local
scale here is considered to be one of the essential paths for an
understanding of the historical processes which issued in the
construction of the European space. It enriches our understanding of
this construction by revealing both deep affinities and fundamental
diversities rooted in specific contexts

Jean Boutier
Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales
Centre de la Charité
2 rue de la Charité
13002 Marseille
tél. : 00/33/ (0)4 91 14 07 83