Gesnerus 66 (2009) No 2


Editorial Note

Journals under Threat: A Joint Response from History of Science, Technology and Medicine Editors (p. 205)

Costas Tsiamis, Effie Poulakou-Rebelakou and Eleni Petridou: The Red Sea and the Port of Clysma. A Possible Gate of Justinian’s Plague (p. 209)

Sabine Arnaud: Citation and Distortion: Pierre Pomme, Voltaire and the Crafting of a Medical Reputation (p. 218)

Grégory Quin: Jules Guérin: brève biographie d’un acteur de l’institutionnalisation de l’orthopédie (1830–1850) [Short Biography of an Actor of the Institutionalisation of Orthopaedics (1830–1850)] (p. 237)

Thomas Rütten: Cholera in Thomas Mann’s Death in Venice (p. 256)

Essay Review

Stefanos Geroulanos: Beyond the Normal and the Pathological: Recent Literature on Georges Canguilhem (p. 288)

News and Activities (p. 307)

Book Reviews (p. 309)

Book Notes (p. 339)

Books Received (p. 343)

Contents of Vol. 66 (2009) (p. 347)