Managing Knowledge in the Technosciences, 1850-2000, Leeds 5-8 July- registration opens

Managing Knowledge in the Technosciences, 1850-2000
Devonshire Hall, University of Leeds, 5-8 July 2010.

This conference is organized by the University of Leeds/Bristol AHRC funded project
Owning and Disowning Invention: Intellectual Property, Authority and Identity in British Science and Technology, 1880-1920

Registration for this international conference is now open - see for the registration form and provisional programme (also below)
Early registration deadline: 30 May 2010 (after that date registration costs increase by 20%).
Thanks to the British Society for History of Science, some student support is available from the Butler Eyles fund  

Our Keynote speaker is: Prof Mario Biagioli (Harvard): "What has happened to 'discovery' and 'invention'? Intersecting the discourse of patent law and science studies"

This conference brings together researchers investigating the history of knowledge management since the mid-19th century – a period that saw the rise of the techno-sciences, trans-European controversies over the legitimacy of patenting, and the coining of the term ‘intellectual property’. A variety of perspectives is offered concerning ‘intellectual property’ and the 'intellectual commons' in the techno-sciences
Conference themes:
- patent management and inventing cultures
- openness vs secrecy
- authority and the construction of inventorship
- discourses of ‘pure’ vs ‘applied’ science and ‘discovery’ vs ‘invention’
- Intellectual property laws, and techno-scientific transformations
- legal cultures and techno-scientific expertise
- academic entrepreneurship and state funding
- gender and inventor identity 
- industrial research and techno-scientific identities
- techno-sciences and IP in global cultures

Provisional programme: Managing Knowledge in the Technosciences, 1850-2000
Please note timings and session titles may be subject to revision

Day #1:  monday 5 July

Conference Introduction (Graeme Gooday)

Session 1: 14:30-16:00  Practitioner perspectives
Christopher Beauchamp,  ‘Follow the Lawyers: legal practice and the making of patent law’
Graham Dutfield, ‘Collective Invention and Patent Law Individualism, 1850-2000’
Sigrid Sterckx, ‘How to distinguish between a discovery and an invention – patenting the unpatentable’
Day #2: TUESDAY 6 July
NB parallel sessions on this day

Session 2A 09:00-10:30  Owning and Disowning Invention #1                    
Berris Charnley and Greg Radick

Session 2B 09.00-10.30  Electrical perspectives
 Richard Noakes, ‘Technical Stagnation and Business Complacency? Routine and Research at the Eastern Telegraph Company 1872-1929’
Elizabeth Bruton  ‘Something in the Air: William Preece and experiments with wireless telegraphy, 1882-1902’
Giannis Binietoglou and Aristotle Tympas, ‘Escaping knowledge disruption amidst talk about a technical revolution: Micro-management of the analog-digital computer demarcation by the electrical engineering community, 1940s-1960s’ 

Session 3A 11:00-12:30  Owning and Disowning Invention # 2                               
Stathis Arapostathis and Graeme Gooday

Session 3B 11.00-12.30  Bio-Medical perspectives
Anne-Marie Coles, ‘Technocratic Discourse and Technology Management: The Control of Poisons in 19th Century Britain’
Sally Frampton, ‘Intellectual Ownership in 19th century ovarian surgery’
Daniel Cozzoli, ‘The Discovery of the Early Antihistaminics Between Science and Industry’

Session 4A 14:00-15:30  Owning and Disowning Invention # 3                                                   
Jon Hopwood-Lewis and Christine MacLeod

Session 4B 14.00-15.30  European perspectives
Andrea Maestrejuan, ‘Managing Invention: Setting the Boundaries of Ownership’
Joris Mercelis, ‘Leo H. Baekeland and the transfer of Bakelite to Europe: Intellectual property rights and beyond’
Theodore Lekkas, ‘Software piracy: Not something necessary evil or its role in the software development in Greece’

Plenary Lecture- Mario Biagioli: 17:30-18:30 
"What has happened to 'discovery' and 'invention'? Intersecting the discourse of patent law and science studies"

Day #3: wEdneSDAY 7 July
(NB Sessions may be scheduled 30 minutes later than below)

Session 5 09:00-10:30     Economic history perspectives
Kristine Bruland, ‘How Firms Manage Knowledge: some cases from the late nineteenth century’
Roberto Fontana, ‘The nature of inventive activities: Evidence from a Data-Set of R&D Awards.’
Elisabeth Mueller, ‘Small and Medium‐Sized Enterprises and Intellectual Property in the Era of Open Innovation: Examples from the Pharmaceutical Industry’
Session 6 11:00-12:30     Entrepreneurship
Don Leggett, ‘Parsons’ patents and partnerships: networks of authorship, cost and credibility in the steam turbine’
Susan Morris,  ‘Scientist Entrepreneurs and Their Resource Networks: keeping secrets in-house’
Julian Cockbain, ‘Academic entrepreneurship – a view from the sidelines’

Session 7 13:30-15:00     Open-ness and secrecy
Simone Turchetti, ‘Atoms for Cash: a history of the USAEC Patent Compensation Board’
James Sumner, ‘Beyond trade secrecy: how did brewers and brewers’ consultants protect their techniques?’
Sabine Clarke, ‘Pure science with a practical aim: the meanings of fundamental research in Britain, c. 1916-1950’
Session 8 15:30-17:00   Boundaries and identities
Alison Adam, ‘Junking Science: Managing the Science/Not Science Boundary’
 Kara W. Swanson, ‘Patenting the Female Form:  Gender, Inventor Identity and Authority in the Nineteenth-Century United States’
Alex Csiszar, ‘Regulating the Scientific Machine: Cataloguing Knowledge for Industrial Innovation        

Conference dinner

Day #4: ThUrSDAY 6 July

Session 9  09:00-10:30 Intellectual property and global justice
 Michiel Korthals and Henk van den Belt ‘The international patent system and the ethics of global justice’
Cristian Timmermann ‘Intellectual property, technology transfer and climate justice’
Bram De Jonge and Niels Louwaars ‘Intellectual Property Rights and the Millennium Development Goals: a fruitful combination?’
Session 10 11:00-12:30Science and government
Robert Bud, ‘Driving through Mode 2: The 1980 Spinks Committee on biotechnology and the implementation of a new kind of science’.
Andrea Marchesetti,  ‘E pluribus unum, 1860s-1910s: The rise of state funding and its effects on private patronage and entrepreneurship in science’
Adam Robert Green, ‘Reforming the Chaebols: The World Bank’s Millennium Advice for South Korea’s Transition to a Knowledge Economy’

13:30-14:00 Summing Up  and conclusion

14:00 End of Conference- Departure


Please send  enquiries to

Graeme Gooday, 
Director of AHRC project 'Owning & Disowning Invention'
Professor of the History of Science and Technology
 & National Teaching Fellow
Centre for the History & Philosophy of Science
Department of Philosophy
Woodhouse Lane
University of Leeds
LEEDS, LS2 9JT, United Kingdom

Phone: 0113 343 3274
FAX: 0113 343 3265