CfPapers Exploring Empire: Sir Joseph Banks,India and the ‘Great Pacific Ocean’ – Science, Travel,Trade & Culture 1768–1820

Call for Papers: Conference entitled "Exploring Empire: Sir Joseph Banks, India and the ‘Great Pacific Ocean’ – Science, Travel, Trade & Culture 1768–1820" A two-day conference organised jointly by Nottingham Trent University
Call for Papers Date: 2010-11-01 

The aim of this two-day conference is to bring together scholars from different disciplines, e.g. historians of science, ethnologists, natural historians (botany & zoology), curators, museologists, literary critics, geographers, students of local history, colonial critics and others interested in the cultures of late eighteenth and early nineteenth-century Britain, India and the Pacific. The conference has as its centre Sir Joseph Banks but it also aims more broadly to present critical work in a range of areas.

Abstracts of no more than 200 words are invited.

Full details of CFP available at:

Tim Fulford
Nottingham Trent University

Neil Chambers

Nottingham Trent University
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