Workshop experimentum lucis in Berlin
This is to circulate information about a forthcoming workshop in Berlin that brings historians, physicists, and philosophers together on the subject of Newton's crucial experiment and its recently succeeded 'inversion'. For all further information, see
The workshop is open for attendance, whilst for reasons of providing space attendants should register beforehand with "Lukas N. P. Egger" <>
Kind regards,
Friedrich Steinle
The workshop is open for attendance, whilst for reasons of providing space attendants should register beforehand with "Lukas N. P. Egger" <>
Kind regards,
Friedrich Steinle
Friedrich Steinle
Institut fuer Philosophie, Literatur-, Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte
TU Berlin, Sekr. H 72
Strasse des 17.Juni 135
10623 Berlin/ Germany
Tel. (+49/ 0)-30-314-24016/ -24068/ -24841
Fax (+49/ 0)-30-314-25962
Institut fuer Philosophie, Literatur-, Wissenschafts- und Technikgeschichte
TU Berlin, Sekr. H 72
Strasse des 17.Juni 135
10623 Berlin/ Germany
Tel. (+49/ 0)-30-314-24016/ -24068/ -24841
Fax (+49/ 0)-30-314-25962