What Makes Modern Mathematics Different from Classical Mathematics? - Workshop - Paris, December 12-13, 2011

Workshop Announcement

What Makes Modern Mathematics Different from Classical Mathematics?

Paris 12th-13th December 2011 – IHPST

In the context of the séminaires PhilMath and Science et Philosophie à l’age classique
And with the auspices of APMP

Contact: marco.panza@univ-paris1.fr

Monday, December 12th
(IHPST, 13 rue Du Four, 75006, Paris; Grande Salle)

9h15-10h30 Andrew Arana (Kansas State),
   The transformation of the geometrical from the classical to the modern era
10h45-12h00 Sébastien Maronne & David Rabouin (REHSEIS, Paris 7)
   The stabilization of the Cartesian style
12h15-13h30 Carlos Alvarez (UNAM)
   Ancient, Classical and Modern in Projective Geometry

15h00-16h15 Jacques Dubucs (IHPST, Paris 1)
   Intended Structures, before and after Pasch
16h30-17h45 Ken Manders (Pittsbourg)
   Calculation vs concepts. From Gauss to Dedekind
18h00-19h15 Leny Oumraou (IHPST, Paris 1)
   Foundational mathematics and the "common practice"

Tuesday, December 13thn
(Maison Internationale de Paris 1, 58, Bd. Arago, 75013, Paris; Salle de Reunions)

9h30-10h45 Jeremy Gray (London)
   Is complex analysis necessarily modern?
11h00-12h15 Jamie Tappenden (Ann Arbor, Michigan)
   The Originality of Dedekind as interpreter of Riemann

14h30-15h45 Jesper Lützen (Copenhague)
   Is mathematical impossibility modern?
16h00-17h15 Hourya Benis-Sinaceur (IHPST, Paris 1)
   What 'abstract' does mean?
17h30-18h45 Jean-Michel Salanskis (Paris X)
   Modernism: the case of mathematics