Wuppertal workshop: "Modeling and LHC" January 26-28th 2012
The research collaboration "Epistemology of the LHC" organizes a workshop on modeling and high energy physics entitled "Modeling and LHC", which will take place at Wuppertal University from January 26th to January 28th 2012. (The LHC is the Large Hadron Collider, the new accelerator at CERN, Geneva.)
The workshop will feature talks by 14 distinguished invited speakers from both physics and philosophy.
Topics covered will include, among others, the relation between models and fiction, the connection between models and simulation, the role of models beyond the standard model for LHC research practices, and the conceptual connection between models and effective field theories.
Talks will be given by Arianna Borrelli, Nazim Bouatta, Rafaela Hillerbrand, Koray Karaca, Chuang Liu, Margaret Morrison, Kent Staley (philosophy), Herbert Dreiner, Robert Harlander, Jay Wacker, James Wells (theoretical physics), Hannes Jung, Kevin Kröninger, Christian Zeitnitz (experimental physics).
The workshop is open to visitors. No fee is charged, but registration is required. If you wish to attend the workshop as a visitor, please send an email to Simon Friederich, friederich@uni-wuppertal.de