History of Science Post-Doc at UNED (Madrid)

The Department of Logic, History and Philosophy of Science at UNED (the Spanish Open University) will sponsor an applicant for the postdoctoral position just launched by our university. The only pre-requisite at the time of application is to hold a Ph.D. and to be a European Union passport or Spanish residence permit.

It's a four year position and the monthly sallary is around 1600 EUR plus social security, starting in Fall 2012.

The preferred AOS, broadly defined is this: History of science from Antiquity to the early Scientific Revolution, with an internalist orientation and particular attention to its connections with the History of philosophy.

The deadline is tight: February 20, 2012

For further information, do not hesitate to contact me

Best wishes

Dr. David Teira
Dpto. de Lógica, Historia y Filosofía de la ciencia (UNED) http://www.uned.es/personal/dteira/

Deputy Editor | THEORIA