A Special Issue of Society and Politics online available: "God and the Order of Nature in Early Modern Thought: Topics in Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Natural Science"
We are delighted to announce the
autumn issue of Society and Politics:
God and the Order of Nature in Early
Modern Thought: Topics in Metaphysics, Epistemology, and Natural Science
Invited editors: Laura Georgescu (University of Bucharest) and Grigore Vida (New Europe College, Bucharest)
Volume 6, Issue no. 2 (12), November 2012
The articles published in this issue
develop various methodological strategies for dealing with some conceptual
changes of the Late Renaissance and the seventeenth century, combining
philosophical interpretations with historical accuracy. The topics addressed in
the issue range from the reconfiguration of mathematical concepts such as the
geometrical proof, or the infinitesimals, to the ways in which the
physico-theological tradition has shaped the understanding of nature. The
articles share a common interest in grasping the patterns of thinking specific
for the early modern period, with its disciplinary intricacies and ‘innovative’ agenda.
All articles are available in pdf
format via this address: http://uvvg.ro/socpol/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=111&Itemid=118
Please find below the table of
David Beck (University of Warwick) - Regional Natural
History in England: Physico-Theology and the Exploration of Nature
Tobias Schöttler (Ruhr Universität Bochum) - From Causes
to Relations: The Emergence of a Non-Aristotelian Concept of Geometrical Proof
out of the Quaestio de certitudine mathematicarum
Steven Burgess (University of South Florida) - Resolving
the Question of Doubt: Geometrical Demonstration in the Meditations
Tzuchien Tho (Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der
Wissenschaften) - Equivocation in the Foundations of Leibniz’s Infinitesimal
Patrick Brissey (University of South Carolina) -
Descartes and the Meteorology of the World
Joseph Michael Anderson (University of South Florida) -
Necessitarianism in Leibniz’s Confessio Philosophi
Book reviews:
Lucian Petrescu (Ghent University) - Fides et Ratio in
the Renaissance
Sebastian Mateiescu (University of Bucharest) - Science
and Religion and the Myth of their Conflict
Mihai-Dragoș Vadana (New Europe College, Bucharest) -
Pathways in Cartesian Philosophy
POLITICS is a peer-reviewed scholarly
journal published by Western University “Vasile Goldiș”, Arad, Romania
providing open access to its content (http://uvvg.ro/socpol/).
It welcomes original, high-quality research coming from the disciplines of
philosophy, history of political thought, intellectual history, history and
philosophy of science, favouring interdisciplinary and cross- disciplinary
Submissions to Society and
Politics, with the exception of reviews, are blind-refereed.
more information on the content and submission process, please visit the
website (http://uvvg.ro/socpol/)