Call for Submissions: European Society for the History of Human Sciences 2013 Annual Conference

Call for Submissions: European Society for the History of Human Sciences
2013 Annual

Papers, posters, symposia, or workshops may deal with any aspect of the history of the behavioral, human, and social sciences or with related historiographic and methodological issues.

Submissions must be received by March 31st 2013.

For updates on the conference, check the ESHHS website and conference site

The purpose of ESHHS is to promote international, multidisciplinary cooperation in scholarly activity and research in the history of the human sciences. The Society supports the history and historiography of the human sciences in their broadest sense, including psychology, pedagogy, sociology, anthropology, political science, criminology, linguistics and so forth, as well as relevant specializations within biology, history and philosophy, for example. The Society is free from affiliation to any particular discipline or scholarly tradition. It is truly international in membership and outlook, with members from nearly every European country, North America, and many other parts of the world. The Society uses the English language in its activities.