Aarhus Summer University: Integrated History and Philosophy of Science

Aarhus Summer University: Integrated History and Philosophy of Science

How are history and philosophy of science related to each other? How can historical studies of science be brought to bear on the philosophical interpretation of scientific practice? Conversely, how can philosophical reflection on science enrich the historical understanding of scientific development? In this course, we will discuss these questions and examine various possibilities of blending history and philosophy of science, by exploring topics such as the dynamics of scientific change, the function of experimentation and measurement, and the structure of scientific discovery.

Lecturer: Theodore Arabatzis, University of Athens

Dates: 3-31 July 2013

Application deadline: 15 March 2013

Kristian H. Nielsen, associate professor Centre for Science Studies, Aarhus University Ny Munkegade 120, 1520-328
DK-8000 Aarhus C
t: +45 87 15 55 81
m: +45 24 45 88 12