Call for Papers: Quarantine: History, Heritage, Place
Call for Papers: Quarantine: History, Heritage, Place
14-16 August 2014
An international conference convened by historians,
archaeologists and heritage scholars at the University of Sydney
The Quarantine Station, Sydney, Australia
The practice of quarantine has always been grounded in
locations. The history and heritage of quarantine
stations and places of
isolation the world over remain in these landscapes, as
environments and in artefacts. In this way, sites of segregation
been both enduring and ephemeral. These vestiges
intersect in powerful
ways with memory and history, but what is being invoked?
Who - or what -
were the actors bound up by quarantine regulations? How
can the
material, documentary, legislative and spatial heritage
of quarantine
help us untangle narratives of global movement that were
interrupted by
Encompassing people and pathogens, vectors and vessels,
flora and
fauna, this conference seeks new interpretations of the
place of
quarantine. Moving in scale from intimate marks made by
internees to
multi-site or cross-regional comparisons, we seek to
bring together
maritime histories of quarantine with analyses of the
inland islands of
terrestrial quarantine. Above all, we hope to prompt
surprising and
productive conversations between archaeologists,
historians, cultural
and human geographers, and heritage scholars.
This international conference builds from a large
investigation of more than 1,000 sandstone inscriptions
that cover the
stunning Quarantine Station in Sydney, Australia. This
unique site will
form our venue for the conference, inspiring themes that
are both local
and global: mark-making, isolation, identity, and place.
We invite abstracts from historians, geographers,
heritage scholars and
archaeologists for papers on:
* place-making and place-marking
* quarantine and dark tourism
* graffiti and incarceration
* shrine creation in places of isolation
* heritage, materiality and immateriality
* traces and spaces of disease
*landscapes of quarantine.
Deadline: 16 September 2013
University of Sydney Organizing Committee: Alison
Bashford, Annie
Clarke, Ursula Frederick, Peter Hobbins.
Please send 300 word abstract + short CV for
consideration to: Peter