Postdoctoral Fellowships - Volkswagen Foundation

VolkswagenStiftung, Hannover
Bewerbungsschluss: 16.10.2013

Post-doctoral Fellowships in the Humanities at Universities and Research Institutes in Germany and the U.S.

Call for Post-doctoral Fellowships in the Humanities at Universities and Research Institutes in Germany

1. Introduction
The post-doctoral fellowships at German universities and research institutes are provided by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation and the Volkswagen Foundation in close cooperation with the Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, the Lichtenberg-Kolleg at Göttingen, the Center of Excellence and the Zukunftskolleg in Konstanz, the Dahlem Humanities Center of the Free University of Berlin, the Berliner Zentrum Moderner Orient, the German Archaeological Institute (DAI), the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, the German National Library in Frankfurt, the Herzog August Bibliothek at Wolfenbüttel, the German Literature Archive at Marbach (DLA), and the Leibniz Institute at European History at Mainz. The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation will fund up to 12 American post-docs in the humanities spending a year at academic institutions in Germany.

The fellowships are granted for 9 - 12 months and aim at supporting post-doctoral studies at the above-mentioned universities and institutes as well as at universities or research institutes of the candidate's choice. Scholars shall be given the chance to
- pursue a research topic in the humanities in an attractive international environment,
- take advantage of rich interdisciplinary scholarly discussions and research networks,
- use the local libraries, archives, and other facilities, and to attend international conferences, symposia etc.,
- get access to a non-American university system by teaching courses to undergraduate and graduate students, depending on the needs of the relevant academic departments.

The potential candidates are promising young scholars in their post-doctoral research phase based at institutions in the U.S. who want to strengthen their research capacity in a specific field of the humanities that can be expected to have a strong impact on their individual research profile and expertise. Scholars who work in an interdisciplinary field are especially encouraged to apply. The applicants should have finished their Ph. D. between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2012. In exceptional cases outstanding candidates can be allowed to apply if the Ph. D. was acquired more recently. Candidates who apply for a fellowship at an institution not listed above will have to provide a letter from the institution of their choice stating that it will support the candidate's application and host the person during the respective academy year.

The grants will be awarded for 9 - 12 months (the earliest possible starting month of the fellowship is August) and cover a post-doctoral fellowship (2,100 Euros per month) plus international health insurance, visa, travel expenses (including one additional flight home), conference participation in Europe, and rent/additional living costs (approx. 1,000 Euros per month). In addition, the Foundation will provide up to 10,000 Euros for a workshop at the beginning of the stay and a maximum of 3,000 Euros for administrative costs of the hosting institute/department.
Fellows can also apply for small equipment, consumables, literature, etc. Please indicate in your application if you would like to apply for subsidies for children according to the information on family-related benefits of the Foundation (see -> funding -> information for grant recipients) as well. Furthermore, please note that subsidies provided to meet the needs of children can only be used for that purpose. Applicants who seek subsidies for children may be allowed to exceed the normal budget maximum. On additional request, small amounts can also be made available for follow-up activities such as visits of researchers from the host university/institution to the U.S.
institution to which the candidate returns and - at a later stage - for joint projects. Funds for these follow-up activities will have to be applied for separately.

Final sums will be granted according to the budget items included in the application provided that they comply with the guidelines.

The universities/institutes will support the fellows to arrange the necessary contacts at the university and its faculties or the institute respectively.

Up to 12 fellowships per year can be funded. Grants will be made to the German institution that hosts the respective candidate.

2. Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) The Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies (FRIAS) is the University of Freiburg's international research college. The institute supports academically excellent and innovative research projects in all disciplines represented in Freiburg through individual or group fellowships. After a successful five year period concentrating on four academic foci (organised in four schools) FRIAS will, in October 2013, broaden its mandate to include all disciplines represented at the University of Freiburg. It will comprise two sections, one covering humanities and social sciences, the other natural sciences, engineering and medicine.

It is the aim of FRIAS to support academic exchanges across existing
boundaries: between disciplines, between different cultures and countries, between established and younger researchers. FRIAS engages, furthermore, in activities opening the research community to society and politics. Fellows will be part of this community and profit from the lively research environment of the university and its eleven faculties.
FRIAS is close to both France and Switzerland and actively takes advantage of the rich intellectual resources of this truly European region, collaborating, for example, with the universities in Basel/Switzerland and Strasbourg/France.

The institute provides its fellows with modern office space and an up-to-date infrastructure. Accommodation is available through the university guest house and additional centrally located apartments.
Fellows have full access to all library services from one of the leading German university libraries. Special attention is drawn to supporting fellows who plan to come to Freiburg together with their families.

Your contact person at FRIAS will be: Dr. Carsten Dose, Managing Director, e-mail: carsten.dose[at]

3. University of Göttingen, Lichtenberg-Kolleg Named after one of the most important and versatile representatives of the Göttingen Enlightenment, the Lichtenberg-Kolleg is an interdisciplinary research institute with a strong focus not only on the Enlightenment(s), but also on "bridges" between the human and natural sciences and on issues of religion and modernity.

We are inviting junior scholars to join one of the research teams for the study of either: "The Nature of Man in the European and Atlantic Enlightenment(s)", "The Ethics of Living: Questions of Justice, Poverty, Life and Death in the Human and Natural Sciences" or: "Religious Toleration in the Modern World: Theory and Practice" (In cooperation with the Herzog August Library Wolfenbüttel).

In close cooperation with Göttingen colleagues a specific research team will be set up for each theme. The composition of each research group will be a mixture of Senior Fellows, Mid-Career Fellows, Junior Research Fellows (JRF) Göttingen Faculty and PhD students.

For JRF, we provide the opportunity to bring their research to a more advanced level after their doctorate and to prepare themselves for their professional future as academic teachers, researchers and administrators.

Your contact person at the Lichtenberg-Kolleg will be: Prof. Dr. Martin van Gelderen, e-mail: Lichtenbergkolleg[at]

4. Konstanz University, Center of Excellence and Zukunftskolleg Founded in 1966, the University of Konstanz is a modern and progressive institution of higher learning. Through its commitment to a "Culture of Creativity", Konstanz is one of eleven German Excellence Universities and is counted among Germany's most prestigious research and learning institutions.

The Zukunftskolleg is a pillar in the University's strategy for supporting young academics. Here you will find excellent research conditions and an inspiring scientific environment where young post-doctoral fellows of all disciplines work freely as independent researchers and exchange their ideas with recognized experts, the senior fellows.

In the Center of Excellence "Cultural Foundations of Social Integration", academics from the humanities and social sciences tackle a specific theme: processes of social integration and disintegration of all levels of society. Great value is placed on an international and general social perspective when articulating and validating the theses and outcomes of Center researchers.

Your contact person at the Center of Excellence will be: Prof. Dr.
Rudolf Schlögl, e-mail: Rudolf.Schloegl[at]

Your contact person at the Zukunftskolleg will be: Prof. Dr. Giovanni Galizia, e-mail: Giovanni.Galizia[at]

5. Freie Universität Berlin, Dahlem Humanities Center Humanities research at Freie Universität has a breadth and diversity unparalleled in Germany. The central hub of the many departments and activities is the Dahlem Humanities Center (DHC), which was founded in
2007 with a mission of detecting new trends in the humanities and creating interdisciplinary networks a) within Freie Universität, b) on a national level, and c) on an international level. Since then, DHC has been cooperating with non-university research organizations, cultural institutions, and the humanities centers at leading universities around the world and has generated important new impulses for humanities research in Berlin. A wide variety of events and program series such as the Hegel Lectures, the Dahlem Humanities Center Lectures, Concept Laboratories, Workshops as well as Junior and Senior Fellowships create the basis for a vibrant exchange of knowledge and new ideas. Since 2010, the DHC is co-funded as a pilot project by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.

Your contact person at the Dahlem Humanities Center will be: Prof. Dr.
Joachim Küpper, Director, e-mail: jokup[at]

6. Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO)
The Zentrum Moderner Orient (ZMO) is the only German research institute devoted to an interdisciplinary and comparative study of the Middle East, Africa, Central Asia, South and Southeast Asia from a historical perspective. Current research focuses on the interaction between predominantly Muslim societies and their relations with non-Muslim neighbours. ZMO was founded in 1996 as one of six independent, non-profit research centers.

Your contact person at the ZMO will be: Dr. habil. Tilo Grätz, e-mail:

7. Deutsches Archäologisches Institut (DAI) The German Archaeological Institute (DAI) is the largest institution in the field of international archaeological research in Germany. The numerous projects of the DAI cover a wide range of archaeological disciplines and related subjects. Its four domestic branches at Berlin (head office; Eurasia Department; Orient Department), Frankfurt (Roman-Germanic Commission), Bonn (Commission for Archaeology of Non-European Cultures), and Munich (Commission for Ancient History and
Epigraphy) are all situated in major cities with exceptional research environments and provide excellent libraries of international importance. The DAI places great value on international cooperation and interdisciplinary exchange. Research guests of the domestic branches are also welcome to communicate with projects of the DAI departments abroad (Rome, Athens, Madrid, Istanbul, Cairo).

Your contact person at the German Archaeological Institute will be:
Prof. Dr. Christof Schuler, e-mail: christof.schuler[at]

8. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin
The Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, constitute a Universal Museum for the preservation, research and mediation of treasures of art and culture in the entire history of humanity. Their collections embrace the areas of European and non-European art, archaeology, and ethnology. The Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, whose origins lie in the foundation of the Royal Museum through Friedrich Wilhelm III of Prussia, belong to the Stiftung Preußischer Kulturbesitz. Further members of the Stiftung are the State Library, the State Archive, the Ibero-American Institute, and the State Institute for Music Research with the Museum of Musical Instruments. Supported collectively by the German government and the federal states, the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin regard themselves as a national institution of cultural federalism in Germany.

Your contact person at the Staatliche Museen zu Berlin will be: Dr.
Bernd Ebert, e-mail: b.ebert[at]

9. German National Library
The German National Library in Frankfurt and Leipzig is entrusted with the task of collecting, permanently archiving, bibliographically classifying, and making available to the general public all German and German-language publications from 1913, foreign publications about Germany, translations of German works, and the works of German-speaking emigrants published abroad between 1933 and 1945. The German National Library maintains co-operative relations on the national and international level.

Your contact person at the German National Library will be: Dr.
Elisabeth Niggemann, e-mail: e.niggemann[at]

10. Herzog August Bibliothek
The Herzog August Bibliothek is an international research centre specialising in the study of medieval and early modern cultural history.
All research at the library is based on its rich holdings of manuscripts, rare books and graphic art. The library functions as a national repository for 17th-century German imprints and offers a broad programme of research projects, conferences, exhibitions, publications and cultural events. Its own residential fellowship programme brings researchers from all over the world to Wolfenbüttel and promotes an atmosphere of scholarly exchange.

Your contact person at the Herzog August Bibliothek will be: Prof. Dr.
Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer, e-mail: schmidt-gl[at]

11. German Literature Archive
The German Literature Archive in Marbach (DLA) is one of the most famous literary institutions worldwide. In its libraries the Archive collects and preserves a wide range of the most valuable sources of literary and intellectual history, from 1750 up to the present day. The campus offers a unique combination of research library, archive, and museums. The mansucripts, documents and letters contained in more than 1200 literary estates provide ideal conditions for advanced research.

Your contact person at the German Literature Archive will be: Prof. Dr.
Ulrich Raulff, e-mail: forschung[at]

12. Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) The Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) in Mainz, founded in 1950, is an independent research institute dedicated to researching the historical foundations of Europe. The IEG research covers European history from the 15th to the 20th century. The central topic of its research program is "Negotiating Difference in Modern Europe". Three main research units investigate the political and social as well as the religious and cultural dimensions of how otherness and inequality were established, overcome and enabled.

The Institute consists of a Department for General History and a Department of Religious History which cooperate closely in the joint research program. It employs more than three dozen academics conducting historical research.

Your contact person at the Leibniz Institute of European History (IEG) in Mainz will be: Dr. Kevin Anding, e-mail: anding[at]

13. Other Institutions
Proposed host institutions not listed above must be renowned universities or research institutions.

14. How to Apply and Checklist
Applications must be written in English and submitted to the Volkswagen Foundation electronically via the application system:

The printed and signed cover sheet provided there has to be sent to the Volkswagen Foundation. The deadline is October 16, 2013. The personal presentations of shortlisted candidates and the final decision of the selection committee are scheduled for February/March 2014.

The Volkswagen Foundation must be informed if the candidate has a pending application or plans to apply for a fellowship provided by another institution. The Volkswagen Foundation can award grants to academic institutions only. Applications outside of universities and well-known publicly-maintained research institutions are asked to provide details on the legal status, statutes, trustees and boards, charitable/non-profit status, budgeting and auditing of the institution to be funded. In such cases, please include an annual report of the applying institution.

Please make sure that your application includes the following
- Printed and signed Cover Sheet provided via electronic application system has to be sent to the Volkswagen Foundation,
- Cover Letter (in English),
- Research Proposal (in English)
- Outline and substantiation of the research topic to be pursued, its relation to previous research, its importance for the intended career, and the expectations with respect to the stay at the universities/institutions.
- One topic for a course to be offered and realized at the hosting faculty (undergraduate/graduate students) including a preliminary course syllabus.

Please note that research proposals of more than 10 pages (arial, 12,
1,5 spaced, max. 17,000 characters excluding spaces) are not accepted.
- Budget (in Euro) as follows:
- Personnel expenditure (2,100 EUR per month),
- Travel expenses (travel from the U.S. and back, one flight home and conference participation in Europe, international health insurance, accommodation costs workshop, visa),
- Recurring non-personnel expenses (e.g. consumables),
- Non-recurrent expenses (e.g. literature, small equipment),
- Budget justification (max. one page).
- Subsidies for children according to the information on family-related benefits of the Foundation, if applicable,

- English summary of proposal (max. one page each),
- Curriculum vitae (in English, max. 2 pages),
- Bibliography (self-written/involved, max. 2 pages),
- Copies of university certificates (M. A. and Ph. D.),
- One short publication of interest (max. 20 pages),
- Letter confirming that a leave of absence will be granted by the U.S.
University/Institution (see form),
- Letter of Confirmation to support the candidate's application by the potential host institution only if not listed in the call (see form).

The International Team
Dr. Almut Steinbach
Phone: +49 (0)511 8381-370

Kastanienallee 35
30519 Hannover