Call for Papers: Psychology and the Classics: A Dialogue of Disciplines
Call for Papers: Psychology and the Classics: A Dialogue
of Disciplines
24-27 March 2015 Leuven, Belgium
This conference aims to bring together scholars from the
fields of classics and psychology in order to determine what they have to offer
to each other in terms of hermeneutic approaches, research questions, and
methodological legitimation. Both the field of classics and that of psychology
are here to be conceived in the widest sense possible, comprising, in case of
the former, ancient philosophy, history, rhetoric, and literature, and, in case
of the latter, psychoanalysis, social psychology, theories of emotion, and
We welcome innovative contributions from a wide array of
Preference will be given to papers which have the
potential to provoke fruitful interdisciplinary discussions in an open and
convivial atmosphere. Abstracts for individual contributions (500 words),
(1000 words), or alternative formats, along with a short
CV of 3 or 4 lines, should reach us before 31 March 2014 on
All proposals and contributions are expected to be in English. Early career
researchers are especially encouraged to send in an abstract.