Dissertation Reviews - February 2014 Posts

Dissertation Reviews
Dissertation Reviews ( http://dissertationreviews.org/ ) is a
window to recently defended and unpublished dissertations, as well as
articles on archives and libraries around the world.

The following is a list of the February 2014 posts for the Science
Studies, Medical Anthropology, and Bioethics series.

[Science Studies]  Giuditta Parolini, "'Making Sense of Figures:'
Statistics, Computing and Information Technologies in Agriculture and
Biology in Britain, 1920s-1960s," (University of Bologna, 2013),
reviewed by Dominic Berry (University of Leeds)

[Science Studies]  Imogen Clarke, "Negotiating Progress: Promoting
"Modern" Phy sics in Britain, 1900-1940," (University of Manchester,
2012), reviewed by Vivien Hamilton (Harvey Mudd College)

[Science Studies]  Lisa Ann Robertson, "The Embodied Imagination:
British Romantic Cognitive Science," (University of Alberta, 2013),
reviewed by Markus Iseli (University of Neuchâtel)

[Bioethics]  Abbi Hobbs, "Vaccines Against Vice: A Constructive
Technology Assessment of Immunotherapies for Addiction," (University
of York, 2011), reviewed by Adrian Carter (The University of
Queensland) http://dissertationreviews.org/archives/6989

[Bioethics, G ender]  Eeva Nyrövaara, "The Feminist Transformation of
Bioethics: An Analysis of Theoretical Perspectives and Practical
Applications in Feminist Bioethics," (University of Helsinki, 2011),
reviewed by Alex B. Neitzke (Michigan State University)

[Medical Anthropology]  Emily Freeman, "Older Adults' Experiences of
Aging, Sex, and HIV Infection in Rural Malawi," (London School of
Economics and Political Science, 2012), reviewed by Ramah McKay
(University of Minnesota) http://dissertationreviews.org/archives/7638

[Latin America, Medical Anthropology]  Natalie Kimball, "An Open
Secret: The Hidden History of Unwanted Pregnancy and Abortion in
Highland Bolivia, 1952-2010," (University of Pittsburgh , 2013),
reviewed by Molly Geidel (Cornell University)

[Medical Anthropology, Russia]  Michelle Parsons, "Death and Freedom
in Post-Soviet Russia: An Ethnography of a Mortality Crisis," (Emory
University, 2011), reviewed by Cassandra Hartblay (University of North
Carolina at Chapel Hill) http://dissertationreviews.org/archives/6072

[Latin America, Medical Anthropology]  Whitney L. Duncan, "The Culture
of Mental Health in a Changing Oaxaca," (University of California, San
Diego, 2012), reviewed by Jethro Hernandez-Berrones (University of
California, San Francisco)

[Japan, Science Studies]  Kathryn Tanaka, "Through the Hospital Gates:
Hansen's Disease and Modern Japanese Literature," (University of
Chicago, 2012), reviewed by Mika Endo (Bard College)

[Medical Anthropology, South Asia, Talking Shop]  Claire Snell-Rood
(University of Kentucky College of Medicine), "Safety in the Field"

[China, Economic History, Science Studies]  Susan K. Mays, "Rapid
Advance: High Technology in the Global Electronic Age," (Columbia
University, 2013), reviewed by Benjamin Gross (Chemical Heritage
Foundation) http://dissertationreviews.org/archives/7574

From the Dissertation Reviews Editorial Board

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