Conference: "Mediterranean under Quarantine", Malta 7-8 November 2014

Dear all,
this is the programme of the international conference "Mediterranean Under Quarantine", the 1st International conference of the Quarantine Studies Network. 7- 8 November 2014. Hosted by the Mediterranean Institute University Of Malta. Old University Campus, Valletta.
Friday, 7 November
9.00 – 9.30 : Registration  - Aula Magna -  Old University Building.
9.30: Opening Address :   John Chircop, Director,  Mediterranean Institute (UOM) ; International Quarantine Studies Network.

1st Session:  Quarantine Geopolitics and Diplomacy
(First Part: 9.50 – 11.30 hrs)
Chair: Francisco Javier Martinez-Antonio
  • Alison Bashford (University of Cambridge), Quarantine and Oceanic Histories: reflections on the old world and the new.
  • Alexander Chase-Levenson (Princeton University), Quarantine, Cooperation, and Antagonism in the Napoleonic Mediterranean.
  • Raffaella Salvemini (CNR, Italian National Research Council; ISSM, Institute of Studies on Mediterranean Societies), Quarantine in the ports of southern Italy: from local history to global history (18th-19th centuries).
  • Ibrahim Muhammed al-Saadaoui (Université de Tunisie), Quarantaine et Crise diplomatique en Méditerranée: L’affaire de 1789 et la guerre entre Venise et la Régence de Tunis.
11.30 – 11.50:  Coffee break

(Second Part: 11.50 – 13.30 hrs)
Chair: Quim Bonastra
  • Dominique Bon (LAPCOS, Laboratoire d’Anthropologie et de Psycholgie Cognitives et Sociales, Université de Nice – Sophia Antipolis), La fin des quarantaines de santé dans la Province de Nice (1854).
  • Daniela Hettstedt (Basel Graduate School of History, University of Basel), About Lighthouse, Abattoir and Epidemic Prevention. Global History Perspectives on the Internationalism in the City of Tangier (Morocco) 1840-1942.
  • [Agustin Ceba] Jaume Mercant Rodriguez, Gloria Gallego Caminero, Joan March Noguera (Grup d’Investigació d’Història de la Salut, IUNICS-UIB), The British Scientifics delegates at the First Three International Sanitary Conferences (ISC) and their relation with the Spanish delegate Pedro Felipe Monlau: The beginning of the construction of a transnational scientific interchange network.
  • Victor Mallia-Milanes (University of Malta), Venice, Hospitaller Malta, and their approach to Quarantine in the late eighteenth century.
13.30  - 14.30 hrs : Lunch

2nd Session: Quarantine Institutions, Technologies and the State
(First Part: 14.30 -16.10)
Chair:  Jon Arrizabalaga
  • David S. Barnes (Penn University), “Until Cleansed and Purified”: Transatlantic Perspectives on the Procedures and Purpose of Quarantine in the Nineteenth Century.
  • Lisa Rosner (Richard Stockton College, NJ, USA), Policing Boundaries: Mediterranean Quarantine and Professional Identity in mid-19th century Britain.
  • Pere Salas-Vives, Joana Maria Pujadas-Mora, Isabel Moll-Blanes, Sanitary cordons and liberal policies in the Balearic Islands (19th century).
  • Costas Tsiamis, Eleni Thalassinou, Effie Poulakou-Rebelakou, Angelos Hatzakis (University of Athens), Effectiveness of the quarantine system in the Public Health of the Ionian Islands during the period of “British Protection” (1815-1864).
16.10 -16.30 : Coffee break

(Second Part: 16.30 – 17.50 hrs)
Chair :  John Chircop
  • Laurinda Abreu (University of Évora), Plagues and the construction of the early modern state in Portugal.
  • Paolo Militello (Università di Catania), Quarantaine et Contumacia dans le Royaume des Deux Siciles (1816-1860).
  • Anna Rosenberg (Universidad de Zaragoza, España), Costas Tsiamis & Effie Poulakou-Rebelakou (University of Athens), The guard of Piraeus: the Lazaretto of Saint George (1854-1947).
  • Benoît Pouget (Sciences Po, Aix-Cherpa), Quarantaines et Forces navales françaises en Algérie 1830-1851.
Saturday, 8 November
3rd Session:  Quarantine, space, architecture and territorial projections
(First Part: 9.00-10.40)
Chair: Laurinda Abreu
  • Quim Bonastra (Universitat de Lleida), Quarantines and territory in Spain in the second half of the XIXth century.
  • J. Carlos Garcia-Reyes & Jon Arrizabalaga (IMF-CSIC Barcelona, Spain), Quarantine Spaces in Peace as in War: Theory and Practice in Spain, 1855-1885.
  • Lucia Dacome (University of Toronto), An Island in the City: Building a New Lazaretto in Eighteenth-Century Ancona.
  • Jamel El Hadj (EHESS Marseille, France), Le Lazaret de Marseille: d’un système local à un système méditerranéen.
10.35-10.50 : Coffee Break
10.50 – 13.30 hrs:  excursion to the old Manoel Island lazaretto followed by lunch

(Second Part : 14.00 -  15.40 hrs)
Chair: Paolo Militello
  • Giannantonio Scaglione (Università degli Studi di Catania), Les pouvoirs locaux en Sicile face au Cholera Morbus. La réorganisation du quartier de la "Civita" à Catane (1832-37).
  • Peta Longhurst (University of Sydney), Quarantine as practice and place: materialising sites of quarantine.
  • Yannis Gonatidis (University of Ioannina), The  establishment of the Lazaretto of Syros  (1841) and its  evolution until the mid-19th century.
  • Kmar ben Nefissa (SPHERE, Paris), Lazarets principaux et secondaires dans la Tunisie di 19eme siècle.
15.40 – 15.55 hrs : Coffee Break
4th Session:  Quarantine and the construction of Identity
(First Part: 15.55 – 17.15 hrs)
Chair: Joana Maria Pujades-Mora
  • Francisco Javier Martinez-Antonio (Laboratoire SPHERE, CNRS-Université Paris Diderot), Healthy Moors, Sick government: cholera, hajj and the Mogador Lazaretto in Spanish-Moroccan relations (1890-1906).
  • John Chircop (Mediterranean Institute, UOM) Quarantine sanitization and the forging of the ‘Contagious Arab’, 1851-1890s.
  • Christian Promitzer (University of Graz), Between Stigma and Prevention: Quarantines and Sanitary Control of Muslim Pilgrim from the Balkans (1866-1912).
17.15 - 17.30: Coffee Break

(Second Part: 17.30 – 18.45)
Chair: Ibrahim Muhammed al-Saadaoui
  • Luc Chantre (CRIHAM-EA4270, Universités de Poitiers et Limoges), La station quarantenaire de Beyrouth dans l’organisation du pèlerinage à La Mecque à l’époque du mandate français.
  • Malika Ezzahidi (Université Hassan II, Morocco), La mise en quarantaine à Ceuta et Malte dans les récits de voyage d’un ambassadeur Marocain à la fin du XVIIIème siècle
  • Abdel-ilah Dehani (Universite Mohammed V), Les pèlerins marocains face aux nouvelles restrictions de la quarantaine.
18.45-19.15 hrs : CONCLUSION
For more information, or
Best regards
Francisco Javier Martínez