New issue of Eä - Journal of Medical Humanities & Social Studies of Science and Technology (Eä Journal), Vol. 5 N° 1

Dear colleagues,
We are glad to announce that the new issue of Eä - Journal of Medical Humanities & Social Studies of Science and Technology (Eä Journal), Vol. 5 N° 1, is now online.

.:: Eä Journal, Vol. 5 N° 1. Table of contents:

Click here to access Vol. 5 N° 1:


["From alchemy to molecular biology". Technological frames at stake in a biotechnology company focused on human health in the 1980s]
“De la alquimia a la biología molecular”. Marcos tecnológicos en tensión en una firma de biotecnología orientada a la salud humana en la década de 1980
Diego Aguiar & Hernán Thomas

[Priests, psychologists and psychiatrists. Public treatments for addicts in Argentina, 1970-2005]
Pastores, psicólogos y psiquiatras. Disputas en los tratamientos públicos para adictos en la Argentina, 1970-2005
Luciano Levin

Greek and Roman ideas about healthy drinking-water
Cornelis Van Tilburg   

[The first advances in pediatrics in Puebla, Mexico: 1877-1900]
Los primeros avances de la pediatría en Puebla, México: 1877-1900
María de Lourdes Herrera Feria   

Book reviews

Eraso, Y. (2013). Representing Argentinian Mothers. Medicine, Ideas and Culture in the Modern Era, 1900 -1946. New York: Rodopi.
By Malena Costa Wegsman

Mol, A. (2008). The Logic of Care: Health and the Problem of Patient Choice. London and New York: Routledge.
By Patricio Rojas Navarro   

.:: Call for papers. Next deadline: December 15, 2014

We invite you to submit papers for consideration for Eä Journal's upcoming issues. Next deadline: December 15, 2014. Accepted languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese.
Information for Authors:
Any questions? Contact us here:

.:: Eä – Journal of Medical Humanities & Social Studies of Science and Technology (Eä Journal, ISSN 1852-4680) is a peer reviewed open access online journal. The publication is available at and is currently registered in several journal indexes. Read more »

..:: Digital Humanities Award:
Eä - Journal of Medical Humanities & Social Studies of Science and Technology (Eä Journal) has been awarded at the Digital Humanities Awards as Best DH Contribution Not in English.
 Read more »

..:: Directive council:
Prof. Jaime E. Bortz, Lic. Gabriela M. Bortz, Prof. Abel Agüero

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Twitter: / @eajournal