University of Leeds Pre-Doctoral Bursaries Scheme

The School of Philosophy, Religion, and History of Science at the University of Leeds invites applications to its Pre-Doctoral Bursaries Scheme.  The scheme provides financial assistance to candidates who are intending developing an application to an externally funded doctoral studentship scheme where the student and potential supervisor need to work together over a period of time to develop a project that meets the funder’s criteria.  Examples of such studentships include:

Funding is restricted to travel and subsistence costs, and will allow potential applicants to visit Leeds on several occasions and to stay over if necessary, in order to engage with potential supervisors in application-writing and to attend seminars.  Individual applicants will be eligible to apply for up to £500.  The application deadline is open, and applicants should request an form from

PLEASE NOTE: smaller travel bursaries are also available for candidates wishing to visit the school to meet potential supervisors or to discuss applications for funding under schemes internal to the University of Leeds or the White Rose College of Arts and Humanities. 

For more information about postgraduate study in Philosophy and/or History & Philosophy of Science at Leeds see

For full, regularly updated information on upcoming awards and deadlines, including application procedures, see the University of Leeds Postgraduate Scholarships site


Dr Jon Topham
Senior Lecturer in History of Science,
Director of the Centre for History and Philosophy of Science, &
Director of the Centre for the Comparative History of Print

School of Philosophy, Religion, and History of Science
University of Leeds,
Leeds LS2 9JT

Tel: +44 (0)113 34 32526
Fax: +44 (0)113 34 33265

Centre for the Comparative History of Print:
Constructing Scientific Communities Project: