IHPST December Newsletter

Dear Colleagues,

The December IHPST newsletter is now available on the web at:



1.            President’s Report
2.         Science & Education, vol.24 nos.1-2, January 2015
Thematic Issue: Mendel, Mendelism and Education: 150 years since the “Versuche”
Guest Editors: Erik L. Peterson & Kostas Kampourakis
3.            Reflection on 25 years of Journal Editorship: Michael R. Matthews
4.         Call for Journal Submissions
5.         Report on 3rd Latin American Regional IHPST Conference, Santiago, Chile
6.          Report on 2nd Asian Regional IHPST Conference, Taipei, Taiwan
7.            13th Biennial IHPST Conference – Rio de Janeiro, July 22 – 25, 2015.
8.            Future IHPST-Conferences
9.            Report on 8th Hellenic HP&ST Conference, Patras, Greece
10.         International Handbook of Research in History, Philosophy and Science Teaching, Springer 2014
11.         20th anniversary, revised and enlarged edition, Science Teaching: The Contribution of History and Philosophy of Science, Routledge 2015
12.         Book Reviews

(i)              Peter Heering, Stephen Klassen, Don Metz (eds.) (2013) Enabling Scientific Understanding Through Historical Instruments and Experiments in Formal and Non-Formal Learning Environments.  Flensburg Studies in the History and Philosophy of Science in Science Education

(ii) Wilkins, John S, and Ebach, Malte C, (2014) The Nature of Classification: Relationships and Kinds in the Natural Sciences, Palgrave MacMillan

(iii) Kieran Egan, Annabella Cant & Gillian Judson (Editors) (2014) Wonder-full Education: The Centrality of Wonder in Teaching and Learning Across the Curriculum. Routledge

(iv) Barry J. Fraser, Kenneth G. Tobin & Campbell J. McRobbie (Editors) (2012) Second International Handbook of Science Education. Springer

13.         Coming Conferences
14.         IHPST Council (2013-15)
15.       2015 IHPST Council Election – Call for Nominations
16.         The Newsletter is Changing

A/Professor Michael R. Matthews
School of Education
University of New South Wales
Sydney 2052

Phone: 61-2-9418 3665
Email: m.matthews@unsw.edu.au

Editor Science & Education
President, Inter-Divisional Teaching Commission of DHST/DLMPS of IUHPS