3 paid PhD positions in History of Science at Goethe University Frankfurt am Main

he *Collaborative Research Center 1095 "Discourses of Weakness and Resource Regimes"* at Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main, invites applications for

*Three PhD positions (Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in) in the field of History of Science*
(E 13 on the University’s TV-GU pay scale, at 65%).

The positions, starting as soon as possible, are limited until 31.12.2018.

Please circulate this announcement widely. The full text of the announcement can be found below or in one of the following links (German version).

Moritz Epple, Falk Müller, Annette Warner





The *Collaborative Research Center 1095 "Discourses of Weakness and Resource Regimes"* at Goethe-University, Frankfurt am Main, invites applications for

*Three PhD positions (Wissenschaftliche/r Mitarbeiter/in) in the field of History of Science*
(E 13 on the University’s TV-GU pay scale, at 65%).

The positions, starting as soon as possible, are limited until 31.12.2018.

The Collaborative Research Center 1095 employs a transepochal and comparative approach to the question of how discourses of weakness had an impact on the handling of resources. These discourses can be observed in the history of all cultures at all times. Changes in handling tangible or intangible resources constitute a special and important aspect of historical transformation, which will be addressed in collaborative research by historians, historians of science, anthropologists, philosophers, legal historians and sinologists. Within this framework the projects in history of science focus on bodies and actors of knowledge, which were perceived as weak in various ways.

Further information on the CRC programme is available on the German Research Foundation’s website, http://www.dfg.de/en/research_funding/programmes/coordinated_programmes/collaborative_research_centres/index.html.

The positions are related to three research projects:

*1. Scribes and scribal knowledge as a resource and the legitimization of power in ancient Egypt*

The project investigates the development and use of knowledge and the social and cultural position of scribes in ancient Egypt during the First Intermediate Period and its surrounding Old and Middle Kingdoms. It analyses the scribal autobiographies as well as other documents from their work, as for example letters and scientific texts.
Applicants should have a degree in ancient history with a focus on history of science. A good knowledge of Middle Egyptian and a good command of the German language are required.

*2. Knowledge of the weather, 1750-1850*

The project investigates the personal and institutional networks of weather observations in German-speaking Europe in the period between ca. 1750 and 1850. It analyses the ways and forms of the circulation and communication of weather observations and discusses the social and cultural uses of this knowledge in the context of repeated and varied criticisms of its validity.

Applicants should have a degree in modern history, history of science, or in a natural science relevant to the topic. A very good knowledge of the history of modern science and a good command of the German language are required.

*3. Knowledge of materials and resource regimes of materials research in the GDR*

The project will deal with the foundation and development of a leading institute for solid state physics and materials research at the East German Academy of Science and with the formation of the materials sciences in the GDR. The focus of the project will be on the institutional development of the interdisciplinary field of materials research and on the contributions of materials sciences to the demands of a country lacking essential resources.

Requirements for appointment are a degree in modern history, in history of science, or in a natural science relevant to the subject, a very good knowledge in the history of modern science and a good command of the German language.

The successful applicants are expected to participate actively in shaping and advancing the research center’s collective agenda. Applications with the usual supporting documents (degree certificates, cv, list of publications) should be submitted by 28 February 2015 (mail or e-mail) to Judith Delombre, History of Science, History Department, Goethe University, Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1, 60629 Frankfurt am Main, Germany, delombre@em.uni-frankfurt.de.

For further information on the positions, please contact Prof. Annette Warner, warner@em.uni-frankfurt.de, Prof. Moritz Epple, epple@em.uni-frankfurt.de, and Dr. Falk Müller, falk.mueller@em.uni-frankfurt.de.

Moritz Epple
History of Science
Historical Seminar
Goethe University
Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1
D - 60629 Frankfurt am Main

Tel. (+49)(+69) 798 32413, -32415
Fax  (+49)(+69) 798 32417
e-mail: epple@em.uni-frankfurt.de
Web: wg.geschichte.uni-frankfurt.de