CfP: Workshop for the History of Enviroment, Agriculture, Technology, and Science 2015, at CU Boulder
Department of History at the University of Colorado will host the Workshop for the History of
Environment, Agriculture, Technology, and Science (WHEATS) October
2-4, 2015. Now in its eleventh year, WHEATS brings together graduate students
studying the history of the environment, agriculture, science, or technology.
WHEATS is open to submissions from any discipline with interests in these
fields. Papers — generally 25-30 pages — are circulated in advance to all
participants, and at the workshop papers receive feedback from participants and
senior scholars through a roundtable discussion. This format is well suited for
works in progress. The workshop will have a session on publishing as well as
opportunities to meet and engage with members of the environmental history
community in Colorado. Confirmed faculty participants currently include
University of Colorado faculty members Thomas Andrews, Elizabeth Fenn, Paul
Sutter, and Phoebe Young; Lisa Brady of Boise State University, the
Editor-in-Chief of the journal Environmental History; and keynote speaker Mark
Fiege of Colorado State University. Food and housing (two nights) will be
provided for the duration of the conference, and graduate students will receive
a travel grant of up to $300 to help cover their travel to Boulder.
Potential participants should
submit a one-page abstract (up to 250 words) and a brief curriculum vitae by April 1, 2015.
Applicants will be notified about whether they have been accepted by May 1st,
and the complete papers from accepted applicants will be due for precirculation
on August 15. Submit abstracts and CVs through our website (