Virtual issue of Medical History: From the Local to the Global - Fifty Years of Historical Research on Tuberculosis

Special virtual issue of Medical History now available online - ‘From the Local to the Global: Fifty Years of Historical Research on Tuberculosis’. To access the collection for free please visit:

The articles include:

Consolidating Strengths, Sanjoy Bhattacharya
From the Local to the Global: Fifty Years of Historical Research on Tuberculosis, Henrice Altink
Rolls Roger, "Diseased, Douched and Doctored: Thermal Springs, Spa Doctors and Rheumatic Diseases", Helen Bynum
"Tuberculosis-threatened Children": The Rise and Fall of a Medical Concept in Norway, c.1900–1960, Teemu Ryymin
What Tuberculosis did for Modernism: The Influence of a Curative Environment on Modernist Design and Architecture, Margaret Campbell
To Stamp Out “So Terrible a Malady”: Bovine Tuberculosis and Tuberculin Testing in Britain, 1890–1939, Keir Waddington
Civil Liberties and Public Good: Detention of Tuberculous Patients and the Public Health Act 1984, Richard Coker
Robert Koch and the Pressures of Scientific Research: Tuberculosis and Tuberculin, Christoph Gradmann
“A health resort for consumptives”: tuberculosis and immigration to New Zealand, 1880–1914, Linda Bryder
Tuberculosis and leprosy in antiquity: an interpretation, Keith Manchester
The Impact of Tuberculosis on History, Literature and Art, H. D. Chalke