Durham: HPS Workshop

The 10th UK Integrated History and Philosophy of Science Workshop
Sponsored by the British Society for the Philosophy of Science, the British Society for the History of Science, and Oxford University Press.
16-17th April 2015, University of Durham

Venue: Department of Chemistry, Lower Mountjoy, South Road, Durham, DH1 3LE, Rooms CG83 and CG85 (See where this is: https://www.dur.ac.uk/map/)

Plenary sessions: 50 minutes including Q&A (all in CG85)

Parallel sessions: 30 minutes including Q&A (in either CG85 or CG83 – see below for details)

Thursday 16th April
12.00-13.25 Lunch + registration (Scarborough Café)
13.30-13.40 Welcome
13.45-14.35 Plenary (i) – Hasok Chang (Cambridge)
Location: CG85 (Chair: Peter Vickers)

If you can spray phlogiston, is it real? Evidence and integrated HPS
14.40-16.10 2x3 parallel talks
In CG85 (Chair: Holger Maehle):
14.40: Dolores Iorizzo (UCL): Cures for Madness, Menstruating Men, and An Account of a Child Being Taken out of the Abdomen, after Having Lain There Upwards of 16 Years, during Which Time the Woman Had 4 Children, All Born Alive: The Secret Life of Early Royal Society Medical Experiments
15.10: Alexandra Traykova (Durham): Anti-vaccination rhetoric then and now – logical fallacies gone viral
15.40: Cheryl Lancaster (Durham): The First Identification of Embryonic Stem Cells: What’s the Evidence?
In CG83 (Chair: William Peden):
14.40: Alison Fernandes (Columbia): A Deliberative Account of Causation
15.10: Tom Rossetter (Durham): Imaginary Evidence: How Thought Experiments Reveal Nature’s Powers
15.40: Toby Friend (UCL): Pluralism Needs Laws
16.15-16.35 Refreshments (Scarborough Café)
16.40-17.30 Plenary (ii) – Catherine Wilson (York)
Location: CG85 (Chair: Tom Rossetter)

Experimental and Speculative Revisited: What was Behind the Rejection of "Hypotheses"?
17.45-18.30 Wine reception
19.00 Dinner (Zizzi’s)

Friday 17th April

09.25-10.55 2x3 parallel talks
In CG85(Chair: Tom Bunce):
09.25: J. Brian Pitts (Cambridge): Space-time Theory, Particle Physics and Evidence
09.55: Jim Grozier (UCL): Absolute Measurement and its Legacy
10.25: Mauricio Suárez (Madrid/London): The Origin of Quantum Propensities: Henry Margenau’s ‘Latency’ School
In CG83 (Chair: Ian Kidd):
09.25: Elizabeth Dobson Jones (UCL): The “Death” of Ancient DNA Research: Expectations and Evidence
09.55: Alper Bilgili (Leeds): Trials of a Debate: A Late Ottoman Response to Darwinism
10.25: Yafeng Shan (UCL): Did Mendel have good evidence for Segregation? The Gap Problem in Hypthetico-Deductivism
11.00-11.20 Refreshments (Scarborough Café)
11.25-12.55 2x3 parallel talks
In CG85 (Chair: Cheryl Lancaster):
11.25: Nick Binney (Exeter): History as evidence – disease, historical contingency and the genetic fallacy
11.55: Andreas Sommer (Cambridge): Standards of evidence and the reception of unorthodox science. A fundamental challenge for integrated HPS?
12.25: Ian Kidd (Durham): Why did Feyerabend defend astrology? Lessons for integrated HPS
In CG83 (Chair: Anna de Bruyckere):
11.25: Sabina Leonelli (Exeter): Valuing Data as Evidence for Multiple Claims: A Relational Approach to Data Epistemology
11.55: Gregor Halfmann (Exeter): Is data always evidence? On values of data in oceanography
12.25: Dominic Berry (Leeds): Landscapes and labscapes? - Field science and the standards of experimental practice
13.00-14.00 Lunch (Scarborough Café)
14.05-15.05 2x2 parallel talks
In CG85 (Chair: Rune Nyrup):
14.05: Julia Sánchez-Dorado (UCL): An integrated genealogy of the concept of ‘similarity’ to explain current debates in philosophy of science
14.35: Chris Campbell (UCL): Charles Peirce and Prout’s Hypothesis
In CG83 (Chair: Sarah Wieten):
14.05: Lijing Jiang (Leeds): Evidence for Dialectics or Evidence for Production: Crafting Socialist Embryology in China, 1950-1963
14.35: Erman Sözüdoğru (UCL): History of Neglected Tropical Diseases: a Case for Epistemic Pluralism

Is Mendel's Evidence 'Too Good to Be True'? An Integrated HPS Perspective
15.10-16.00 Plenary (iii) – Greg Radick (Leeds)
Location: CG85 (Chair: Robin Hendry)