Lectureship in history of science and technology at Kings College London
The Department of History seeks to appoint a Lecturer in
the History of Science and Technology, tenable from 1 September 2015.
Applications are welcome from scholars with research expertise in any aspect of
the history of any of the physical sciences or of technology, in any region of
the world, in the period since 1800. We would particularly welcome applications
from scholars whose work connects with areas of broader interdisciplinary focus
at King's, such as international relations, war and conflict, and the
environment. Applications from candidates with the demonstrable ability to
attract external grant funding, and/or to engage with public audiences, would
also be particularly welcome. The post-holder will be expected to contribute to
the delivery of teaching in this broad area at all levels, from introductory
undergraduate lectures to PhD supervision. They will also conduct and publish
top-quality research in their field of specialism. The Department of History at
King's is a large, top-ranking department, covering all broad areas of
post-antique history. Since 2013 it has been the home of the world-leading
Centre for the History of Science, Technology and Medicine (CHoSTM), with which
the post-holder will be affiliated. The successful candidate will play an
important role in the further development of the teaching, research, public
engagement and international reputation of CHoSTM, as well as working closely
with other colleagues in the History Department and in other departments and
faculties at King's.
All candidates should have research expertise in the
history of science and technology and an enthusiasm for teaching this subject
at university level. They should have completed a PhD in this area by the date
of appointment. They should be prepared to teach both specialist undergraduate
and MA modules in their area of expertise, and to supervise PhD students.
The appointment will be made, dependent on relevant
qualifications, within the Grade 6 or 7 scale, currently £32,277 to £47,328,
per annum plus £2,323 per annum London Allowance.
For more details see https://www.hirewire.co.uk/HE/1061247/MS_JobDetails.aspx?JobID=59166