Incunabula digitisation at the Wellcome Library


I wanted to alert to the fact that, from this month, here at the Wellcome Library we’re digitising a proportion of our incunabula (books printed before 1501), as part of our contribution to ProQuest’s Early European Books. For information, please see the two links below:

The digitisation will take place over the next nine months, with certain books becoming unavailable for one or more weeks during that period. If you intend to consult incunabula at the Wellcome Library in the next nine months, do contact us in advance of your visit to check whether the book(s) you wish to see will be available. Please email And also please feel free to get in touch with me.

Best wishes, Elma Brenner

Dr Elma Brenner
Specialist, Medieval and Early Modern Medicine
Wellcome Library
183 Euston Road, London NW1 2BE
United Kingdom
Tele: +44 (0) 207 611 8890
Fax: +44 (0) 207 611 8545