Thomas Harriot Seminar 2015 - Durham 6-7 July

Durham Castle, University of Durham, 6-7 July 2015
The Thomas Harriot Seminar celebrates the life and times of the mathematician Thomas Harriot (1560-1621), and welcomes papers on Harriot himself as well as on the history of mathematics and science in the sixteenth and early seventeenth century more generally. We particularly welcome papers on subjects of interest to Harriot, which included: pure and applied mathematics, the new world, astronomy, natural philosophy, alchemy, optics, linguistics, and the art of war. For more information about the Seminar (and a registration form) please visit the Thomas Harriot Seminar website:

Richard Oosterhoff (CRASSH University of Cambridge) “Gabriel Harvey and the utility of mathematics”
Robert Goulding (University of Notre Dame), “Through a glass, darkly: shadows, light, and prismatic colours.”
Glyn Parry (University of Roehampton), “The Ordeal of Thomas Digges”
Cathy France (University of Leeds), “Thomas Digges and the ballistic trajectory”
Stephen Johnston (Museum of the History of Science, Oxford), “Edward Wright at Sea – Detected and Corrected”.
David Harris Sacks (Reed College, Oregon), “Learning to Know: Richard Hakluyt and Thomas Harriot in Oxford.”
Todd Andrew Borlik (University of Huddersfield), “John Dee’s ‘Hydragogie’ and Fen Drainage in the Seventeenth Century”
Susan Maxwell (Independent Scholar), “Preparing for circumnavigation: Thomas Cavendish and Francis Drake”
Registration fee: £95 (includes accommodation at the Castle, drinks reception, conference dinner in the Great Hall on the 6th and buffet lunch on the 7th).
Non-residential fee (with meals) £55 (without meals: £35).
Two bursaries are available for MA or PhD students, covering residential registration (if you would like to apply for one of these, please email the Chairman explaining why attending the seminar would be useful to your research).
To register please email the Chairman Dr Stephen Clucas at

Dr Stephen Clucas

Editor, Intellectual History Review

Reader in Early Modern Intellectual History,
English and Humanities,
Birkbeck, Univesity of London,
Malet Street,
London WC1E 7HX

Tel: 020 3073 8421