CFP: American Association for the History of Medicine - AAHM 2016

2016 American Association for the History of Medicine Annual Meeting
Call for Papers

The American Association for the History of Medicine (AAHM) invites abstracts for papers in any area of medical history for its 89th annual meeting, to be held in Minneapolis, Minnesota, 28 April to 1 May 2016. The AAHM welcomes papers on the history of health and healing; the history of medical ideas, practices, and institutions; and the history of illness, disease, or public health. Submissions pertaining to all eras and regions of the world are welcome. Papers and panels that expand the horizons of medical history and engage related fields are particularly encouraged.

In addition to single-paper proposals, the Program Committee, led by Co-Chairs Sarah Tracy <> and Scott Podolsky < >, encourages proposals for creatively structured panels and for luncheon workshops. Please contact one or both of the Program Committee Co-chairs if you are planning a panel or workshop. The Program Committee will judge individual papers in each of these venues on their own merits.
Presentations are limited to no more than 20 minutes. Papers must represent original work not already published or in press. Speakers are encouraged to make their manuscripts available to the Bulletin of the History of Medicine, the official journal of the AAHM.

This year, for the first time, the Program Committee also invites a limited number of poster presentations. Poster proposals likewise will be considered individually.

The AAHM uses an online abstract submissions system, accessible through the organization website at  Guidelines for writing a successful abstract may also be found through this link. 

Abstracts must be submitted by 28 September 2015.