Locating Forensic Science and Medicine

The registration deadline of 10 July is fast approaching for Locating Forensic Science and Medicine. This conference -- jointly organized by Ian Burney and Neil Pemberton (CHSTM, Manchester), and Chris Hamlin (University of Notre Dame) – will be held at University of Notre Dame Global Gateway in Trafalgar Square, London, on Friday 24th and Saturday 25th July 2015.
The purpose of the conference is to explore ways, and assess the value, of thinking about forensics, past and present, from a historical and trans-national perspective. The papers and discussion will raise questions about the importance of “location” (temporal and spatial) to the production and enactment of different forms of forensic knowledge – differences in legal systems (e.g. burdens of proof, roles of experts and witnesses), in medical and scientific institutional infrastructure and the degrees of credibility that they sustain, in the skills and distribution of investigative personnel, in financial and practical constraints on investigation, and in the popular cultures of forensics and of criminality within and against which forensic practitioners operate.  
The programme is now online and includes thematic sessions on techniques of detection, tracking and traces, experts, institutions and networks, proofs of poison and bodies of evidence.  Further information about the conference, including the programme, registration details and details on a limited number of travel stipends to support students, can be found: http://reilly.nd.edu/news-and-events/conferences/locating-forensic-science-and-medicine/
For Registration assistance, email conferences@nd.edu.  Other queries to: ian.a.burney@manchester.ac.uk, or neil.pemberton@manchester.ac.uk
We look forward to seeing you in July!