Scientiae Oxford 2016 Call for Papers
Call for Papers
Scientiae Oxford 2016
St Anne’s College, University of Oxford, 5-7 July 2016
Keynote Speakers: Martin Kemp (Oxford), Wouter Hanegraaff
(Amsterdam), Third Speaker TBC
Convenor: Georgiana Hedesan
(Oxford), Senior Adviser: Howard Hotson (Oxford), Organising Team: Karen
Hollewand (Oxford), Cornelis Schilt (Sussex), Luca Guariento (Glasgow)
Proposals are invited for the fifth
annual Scientiae conference on disciplines of knowing in the early
modern world (roughly 1400-1800). The major premise of this conference series
is that knowledge during this period was inherently interdisciplinary,
involving complex mixtures of theories, practices and objects, which had
yet to be separated into their modern ‘scientific’ configurations. Although
centred on attempts to understand and control the natural world, Scientiae
addresses natural philosophy, natural history, and the scientiae mixtae within
a wide range of related fields, including but not restricted to Biblical
exegesis, medicine, artisan practice and theory, logic, humanism, alchemy,
magic, witchcraft, demonology, divinatory practices, astronomy, astrology,
music, antiquarianism, experimentation and commerce. Attention is also
given to mapping intellectual geographies through the tools of the digital
Scientiae Oxford 2016 welcomes proposals from researchers
studying the early modern cultures and disciplines of knowing at any stage in
their career. The proposals can be for individual papers, complete panels,
roundtables or workshops, according to the following guidelines:
Individual paper: A 300-word abstract for papers of maximum 20
Panel Proposal: Each panel will be 1 hour 30 minutes and must
include three speakers. The panel organiser should send a proposal containing
three 200-word abstracts for papers of 20 minutes each together with an overall
account of the panel (max. 300 words).
Roundtable: Each roundtable will also last 1 hour 30
minutes, must include at the very least one chair and one or two respondents,
and must engage the audience. The roundtable proposal should formulate a clear
question and provide a rationale for it of c. 400-600 words.
Workshop (new at Scientiae 2016): A workshop is an opportunity for
teaching and learning in some area of early modern intellectual and/or material
culture. Examples might include period instruments, laboratory practices,
pedagogic or art techniques, digital humanities and print culture. A proposal
of 400-800 words should be provided by the organiser(s), together with details
about the organisation, duration, and presenters. Workshop leaders will also
need to work out logistical issues well in advance, with limited assistance
from on-site conference convenors. Advance sign-up by participants will be
submit your proposal together with a brief bio (up to 300 words) by using the
online form
All submissions should be made by 15 November 2015.
For more
information, please also see the Oxford Scientiae website at
Dr Georgiana D. Hedesan
Wellcome Trust Fellow
University of Oxford
History Faculty
George Street
Oxford, OX1 2R