Durham Visual Culture PhD Studentships

Dear All,

Just a note to say that Durham is offering several  visual culture PhD studentships.  If any of your MA students are interested in the history of science, medicine or philosophy, then I would be happy to advise.  I note that the these awards will attract applicants who have achieved outstanding results on their undergraduate degree and whose MA work shows much promise.

Best Wishes,


Dr Matthew D Eddy, Department of Philosophy, Durham University, 50 Old Elvet, Durham, DH1 3HN, United Kingdom. (44) 191 334 6550. http://www.dur.ac.uk/m.d.eddy/

Leverhulme Application Guidance Notes for entry October 2016
Up to 7 fully-funded three-year PhD studentships are currently available in the Durham Leverhulme Interdisciplinary Training Programme in Visual Culture (DLITP VC) for October 2016. We welcome applications from graduates in the arts and humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and life sciences who wish to pursue a PhD in visual science or visual culture. It is expected that candidates will have a strong first degree in a relevant discipline (2.1 minimum), together with an excellent Master’s qualification, also in a relevant field.
Students for whom visual culture generously defined is integral to their research may apply to any of the University’s departments. Students need to be accepted by a department first to be considered for an award. Applicants are encouraged to discuss their applications with potential supervisors if they wish. The full supervisory team will however only be finalised after an offer has been made. Successful applicants will participate in the scheme’s activities, such as the summer school in July each year, which they will help to design and organize.
There is a two-stage application process for the Programme:
1.    Two formal applications to both the University (online) and to the Programme (supplementary form to complete).
2.    Selection day for shortlisted candidates, which will be held in Durham on 14 – 15 March 2016. Travel expenses (within the UK) and one night's accommodation will be provided for those invited to attend.
STAGE 1: Formal applications
The deadline for both formal applications to Durham University is 15 JANUARY 2016. Please ensure that you submit both the online form and supplementary page.
Applications to join the Durham Leverhulme Interdisciplinary Training Programme in Visual Culture will be accepted through the Durham University online application portal and applicants should complete the Online Application Form. Applicants should also familiarise themselves with the general information provided for prospective postgraduate students at Durham University.
Notes for completing the University Online Application Form;
1.    Programme Applied For: Choose PhD in Visual Culture (Leverhulme) from the drop-down menu. The programme code for DLITP VC is R9A401.
2.    Department: When asked to indicate a department, please choose the department that is best placed to provide your main supervisor and that best corresponds to your previous qualifications. Students on the DLITP may be registered to study in any of Durham's Schools and Departments, as long as the project is related to an aspect of visual culture as defined by the programme.
3.    Accommodation. All successful applicants will be offered (acceptance is not compulsory) accommodation and membership of one of the Programme's home colleges - Trevelyan College and St Cuthbert's College.
4.    Field of Study. Please put here ‘Visual Culture’
5.    Finance and Funding. All successful applicants will be offered a DLITP VC PhD studentship, which covers both tuition fees (at UK and EU level) and a living allowance. Due to the terms and conditions of the award, the studentship is only open to Home and EU students.
Notes for completing the Supplementary Application Form;
1.    The Durham Leverhulme Interdisciplinary Training Partnership in Visual Culture application form(click the title to download). The key element of this is a 750 word statement to demonstrate an aptitude for interdisciplinary research. This should not simply supplicate your research proposal.
2.    A full CV (including undergraduate and taught masters module marks and exam results)
3.    Please email the above to cvac@durham.ac.uk with the title of the documents:
[Your name ] Supplementary Form
[Your name ] CV
[Your name] other documentation
STAGE 2: Selection Day
Shortlisted candidates will be notified by the 26 February 2015 and provided with full details of the selection process. During the visit, there will be tours, talks and a short interview.
Successful candidates will be notified on 23 March 2016, and would be expected to give a firm acceptance by 8 April 2016.