Table of Contents: Perspectives in Biology and Medicine

Volume 57, Number 4, Autumn 2014
Table of Contents


Science and Medicine

Promethean Evolution: A Comparison of the Immune and Neural Systems

pp. 449-469

The Perfect Storm: Preterm Birth, Neurodevelopmental Mechanisms, and Autism Causation

pp. 470-481

Ethics and Philosophy

George Engel’s Epistemology of Clinical Practice

pp. 482-494

History and Biography

Maimonides Reincarnated

pp. 495-499

Binding and Hoche’s “Life Unworthy of Life”: A Historical and Ethical Analysis

pp. 500-511

In Praise of Richard Asher (1912–1969)

pp. 512-523

Medical Education and Practice

Catatonia in the History of Psychiatry: Construction and Deconstruction of a Disease Concept

pp. 524-537

Marino Ortolani: “Does That Baby’s Hip Go Click?”

pp. 538-546

Culture and Society

Hope Less: How a Healthy Dose of Realism Can Help in the ICU

pp. 547-554

Responses from Palliative Care: Hope Is Like Water

pp. 555-557

Response: Hope Is in the Eye of the Beholder

pp. 558-559

Review Essays

The Cambridge Handbook of Human Dignity: Interdisciplinary Perspectives ed. by Marcus Düwell et al. (review)

pp. 560-568

Brilliant Green: The Surprising History and Science of Plant Intelligence by Stefano Mancuso and Alessandra Viola (review)

pp. 569-574