Young Scholar Award Competition - World Association for the History of Veterinary Medicine
The World Association for the History of Veterinary
Medicine is pleased to announce its 2016 Young Scholars Award Competition. This
is for the best original essay on any topic of relevance to the history of the
veterinary field.
First Prize: 1000 Euro plus up to 1000 Euro expenses to
present the paper at the WAHVM biennial Congress in Vienna, 27-30 July 2016
Second Prize: 400 Euro Third Prize: 200 Euro All prizes will be awarded at the
Vienna congress (for details see
). The first prize winner must attend and present the paper to collect the
prize money.
Application requirements
1. Applicants must not be older than 38 years. The award
is open to scholars of all educational backgrounds.
2. Submitted papers will be accepted either published
(not earlier than Jan. 1st, 2014) or as manuscripts.
3. Papers must not exceed a size of 10,000 words and will
be accepted in English, German, French, Spanish, Italian and Dutch
(electronic-pdf preferred).
4. Deadline for submission is 28 February 2016. All
submitted papers will be reviewed by a jury; deadline for decision will be 31
March 2016. The prize-winners will be notified immediately.
5. Submissions should be sent to the WAHVM President:
Prof. Abigail Woods,
Department of History,
Kings College London,