The Models and Simulations 7 conference (MS7) will take place in Barcelona, May 18th-20th, 2016, co-organized by the University of Barcelona and UNED  (Madrid).

The Models and Simulations conference series is devoted to exploring philosophical issues arising from the construction and use of models and computer simulations in the natural and social sciences. Previous meetings took place in Paris, Tilburg, Charlottesville, Toronto, Helsinki and Notre Dame.

MS7 Plenary Speakers
     Anjan Chakravartty (Univ. Notre Dame)
     Roman Frigg (LSE)
     Sabina Leonelli (Univ. Exeter)

Call for Contributed Papers
Contributing papers are invited from both philosophers and practicing scientists. Sample topics include (but are not limited to):
 - Models and simulations, their construction and their use in: prediction; heuristics; theorizing; experimentation; confirmation
- Scientific representation; scientific explanation; scientific reasoning
- The nature of: abstraction; approximation; idealization
- Desiderata (simplicity, unifying power, robustness, …) for modeling and simulating
- Their use and functions: across disciplinary boundaries; in designing and applying technologies; in public policy setting.

Contributed papers sessions will last 45 minutes: 30 minutes presentation and 15 minutes discussion.
Please submit a short abstract of 100 words and an extended PDF abstract of 600-700 words to:

If you do not have an EasyChair account, you must create one on entering the site. After logging in, click the ‘New Submission’ link. Add your 100 word abstract and upload the PDF file of your extended abstract. You can revise your submission any number of times before the deadline.

Abstract submission deadline: 22 December 2015.
Abstracts will be refereed blind and results communicated to authors in February 2016.

Registration, travel, accommodation and conference-related information will be available in the MS7 website:

Further inquiries may be addressed to:
Organizing Committee
José A. Díez Calzada (U. Barcelona), Chair
Albert Sole (U. Barcelona)
Romina Zuppone (U. Barcelona)
David Teira (UNED, Madrid)
Jesús Zamora-Bonilla (UNED, Madrid)

Programme Committee
Carl Hoefer, University of Barcelona (Chair);
Otavio Bueno, University of Miami;
Antonio Diéguez, University of Málaga;
Mathias Frisch, University of Maryland;     
Axel Gelfert, National University of Singapore;
Till Grüne-Yanoff, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm;
Paul Humphreys, University of Virginia;
Cyrille Imbert, University of Lorraine;
Elisabeth Lloyd, Indiana University, Bloomington;
Pablo Lorenzano, Quilmes National University, Buenos Aires;
Uskali Mäki, University of Helsinki;
Margaret Morrison, University of Toronto;
Wendy Parker, Durham University;
Alexander Reutlinger, LMU Univ. Munich;
Mauricio Suárez, Complutense University;
Adam Toon, University of Exeter;
Marion Vorms, University of Paris;
Eric Winsberg, University of South Florida;