Call for papers for Crime, Justice and the Law Network of the Social Science History Association, Chicago, IL, 17-20 November 2016

Type: Call for Papers
Date: February 20, 2016
Subject Fields: American History / Studies, European History / Studies, Social History / Studies, Social Sciences

Call for papers for Crime, Justice and the Law Network of the Social Science History Association, Chicago, IL, 17-20 November 2016.

The Crime, Justice and the Law Network is part of the Social Science History Association (SSHA) and linked with the European Social Science History Conference (ESSHC). Historians, sociologists, economists, criminologists, geographers, lawyers and independent scholars who are interested in both historical and contemporary developments in crime, policing and the law, are part of this network. The network’s purpose is to provide an international forum for the exchange of ideas and research across disciplines and methodologies. Many members of the network attend the annual meetings of the SSHA and the ESSHC to participate in sessions, roundtables, and poster displays that include the presentation of papers and discussions on important books, ongoing research projects and new research methods. The network prides itself in having a global approach to research on criminality, judicial and legal systems and encourages comparative perspectives on these subjects.  
We welcome full sessions and papers on a wide range of topics but we are particularly interested in paper sessions that relate to the larger theme of this year’s conference: ‘Beyond Social Science History: Knowledge in an Interdisciplinary World’.  Possible topics might include, but are certainly not limited to:
  • Use of Justice
  • Restorative Justice in a global perspective
  • Police and Community Relations
  • Legal pluralisms
  • Incarceration in a global perspective
  • Segregation in a global perspective
  • Interdisciplinary approaches in crime studies 
 We also would like to highlight the possibility to organize book sessions where the "Author meets Critics".
The next SSHA conference is in Chicago, Illinois, November 17-20, 2016. Information on the conference is available on the SSHA website Anyone with questions regarding the 2015 program of the Crime, Justice and the Law Network should contact the network representatives Max Felker-Kantor ( or Marion Pluskota (

The deadline for papers and sessions is 20 February 2016.

The next ESSHC conference will be in Valencia, Spain, March 30 - April 2, 2016. You can access information on this conference on the ESSHC website. 
Contact Info: 
Please contact the Crime, Justice and the Law Network Reprsentatives for questions: Max Felker-Kantor ( or Marion Pluskota (
Contact Email: