Call for Papers: The Emergence of Relativism

The ERC Advanced Grant Project, “The Emergence of Relativism“, is organizing a three-day conference September 23rd-25th, 2016, at the University of Vienna. Speakers include Yael Almog, Terrell Carver, Kristin Gjesdal, Michael Heidelberger, Sara Heinämaa, Katherina Kinzel, Martin Kusch, Brian Leiter, Timo Miettinen, Lydia Patton, Vicky Spencer, Johannes Steizinger, Niels Wildschut, Paul Ziche, and Andrew Zimmerman.
There will also be several slots for submitted papers. Please send an abstract of around 1000 words by the end of April to:   We will inform you of our decisions by the end of May (at the latest).

The conference will explore relativistic strands of thoughts, and debates around them, in the “long 19th century” (i.e. 1800 to the 1940s) and primarily in the German-speaking lands. Papers might discuss e.g. historicism (e.g. Hamann, Herder, Humboldt, Niebuhr, von Ranke, Droysen, Dilthey), psychologism (e.g. Erdmann, Lange, Lipps, Sigwart, Wundt, Frege and Husserl), the Marxist tradition, Völkerpsychologie, the sociology of knowledge (e.g. Marx, Scheler, Spengler, Mannheim), philosophy of life (Nietzsche, Schopenhauer, Dilthey, Langbehn, Klages, Keyserling, Simmel), philosophy of language and culture  (influenced by Herder, and von Humboldt), philologists (e.g. Bopp, Grimm), and cultural or physical anthropologists (e.g. Bastian, Virchow).

For information please contact Martin Kusch <>