Call for Posters: Science in Public 2016
Science in Public: Past, Present and Future
Centre for the History of the Sciences, University of Kent, Canterbury: 13-15 July 2016
The call for papers for Science in Public 2016 is now closed but we
invite proposals for our poster session, outlining research findings,
engagement activities, upcoming events, announcements, networks and
questions for debate. Please send abstracts of about
250 words, enquiries and queries to Rebekah Higgitt ( by 6 May.
For more details about the conference, see: https://scienceinpublic. org/science-in-public-2016/
Registration is now open, with the early bird rate available until 20 May.
We look forward to welcoming many of you in July to join us for what
looks like a stimulating, fascinating, varied and international
programme. Finally, if anyone is interesting in offering a set for our
SiP-themed comedy gig, please get in touch.
Conference organisers: Charlotte Sleigh and Rebekah Higgitt