New issues + CFP | Eä - Journal of Medical Humanities & Social Studies of Science and Tecnology

We are glad to announce that new issues of Eä - Journal of Medical Humanities & Social Studies of Science and Technology (Eä Journal), are now online: Vol. 6 N° 2 and a special edition on "Healthism & Self-Care: Reconfiguring Body & Life through Science & Technology" (Eä Journal, Vol. 7, N° 1 & 2).

..:: Eä Journal, 2015, Vol. 7 (1 & 2), Special edition: "Healthism & Self-Care: Reconfiguring Body & Life through Science & Technology" ::..

The special double issue on "Healthism & Self-Care: Reconfiguring Body & Life through Science & Technology" was developed jointly between Eä Journal and researchers from CETCOPRA (Centre for Research on Technology, Knowledge and Practices), Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne, Institut Mines Télécom and Université Paris Descartes (France). The edition counts with the support of Alliance Française in Buenos Aires and the Institut Français and the Ambassade de France in Argentina.
Contribute to this edition: Philippe Bardy, Gérard Dubey, Pascal Ducournau, Anna Harris, Susan E. Kelly, Justine Laurent, Ilana Löwy, Jacques Lucas, Federica Lucivero, Ivo Matthuis, Antonio Maturo, Dominique Memmi, Nelly Oudshoorn, Patrick Trabal, Mauro Turrini and Sally Wyatt.

.:: Eä Journal, Vol. 6 N° 2 ::..


O primeiro congresso nacional de tuberculose em Portugal (1895)
[The first national tuberculosis congress in Portugal (1895)], Ismael Cerqueira Vieira
Infancias sexuadas en el Hospital de Niños. Lecturas sobre la obesidad de los varones en Buenos Aires, en los inicios de la década de 1940
[Sexualized Childhoods at the Children’s Hospital. Readings on male obesity in Buenos Aires in the early 1940s], Cecilia Rustoyburu

Persuasive Numbers, Misleading Violence: Epidemiological Views on Homicides in Cali, Colombia, Lina Pinto García   

De vocación, (des) ánimos y honores: emoción y trayectorias en ciencia
[On vocation, (dis) couragements and honors: emotion and trajectories in science], Ana Spivak L’Hoste   

La cura del empacho, el ojeo y el mal de Simeón en contextos urbanos de la ciudad de Santa Fe
[The cure to the empacho, ojeo and mal de Simeon in urban contexts of the city of Santa Fe, Argentina], María Sol Leal  

Book reviews

Leyton, César; Palacios, Cristián; Sánchez, Marcelo (Eds.). (2015) Bulevar de los pobres. Racismo científico, higiene y eugenesia en Chile e Iberoamérica, siglos XIX y XX [Boulevard of the poor. Scientific racism, hygiene and eugenics in Chile and Latin America, 19th and 20th centuries]. Santiago de Chile: Ocho Libros. By Enrique Riobó Pezoa   

Caprara, A., Oliveira Lima, J. W. , Rocha Peixoto, A. C. (2013). Ecossaúde: uma abordagem eco-bio-social. Percursos convergentes no encontro de dengue [Ecohealth, an eco-bio-social approach. Converging paths in the encounter of dengue]. Fortaleza: Editora da Universidade Estadual do Ceara. By Margret Jaeger   

.:: Call for papers. Next deadline: June 15, 2016

We invite you to submit papers for consideration for Eä Journal's upcoming issues. Next deadline: June 15, 2016. Accepted languages: English, Spanish, Portuguese. 
Any questions? Contact us here:

.:: Eä – Journal of Medical Humanities & Social Studies of Science and Technology (Eä Journal, ISSN 1852-4680) is a peer reviewed open access online journal. The publication is available at and is currently registered in several journal indexes. Read more »

..:: Digital Humanities Award: 
Eä - Journal of Medical Humanities & Social Studies of Science and Technology (Eä Journal) has been awarded at the Digital Humanities Awards as Best DH Contribution Not in English. 
Read more »

..:: Directors: Prof. Jaime E. Bortz, Lic. Gabriela M. Bortz, Prof. Abel Agüero. Editorial board: Lic. Gabriela Mijal Bortz, Dr. Lucía Ariza, Dr. María Fernanda Sabio.

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