New issue of Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health is open access and ready to read online
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Location: Ontario, Canada
Subject Fields: Military History
Journal of Military, Veteran and Family Health
Volume 2 No. 1
April 2016
New perspectives in military, Veteran and family health
Alice B. Aiken, Stéphanie A.H. Bélanger
In Graphics
Are MSK injuries a hidden threat to the Canadian Armed Forces?
Luc J. Hébert
Learning from the Deschamps Report: why military and Veteran researchers ought to pay attention to gender
Maya Eichler
Transitioning from military to civilian life: the role of mastery and social support
Krystal K. Hachey, Kerry Sudom, Jill Sweet, Mary Beth MacLean, Linda D. VanTil
Being by myself and believing in us: the experience of pregnancy and childbirth during an intimate partner's military deployment
Christian Patchell, Erna Snelgrove-Clarke, Glenda Carson, Deborah Tamlyn
Screening questions to identify Canadian Veterans
Linda D. VanTil, James M. Thompson, Mary Beth MacLean, David J. Pedlar
Description of a longitudinal cohort to study the health of Canadian Veterans living in Ontario
Alyson L. Mahar, Alice B. Aiken, Paul Kurdyak, Marlo Whitehead, Patti A. Groome
rehabilitation criteria required for a safe return to active duty in
military personnel following a musculoskeletal injury: a scoping review
Nadine Houghton, Jared Maynard, Alice B. Aiken
Measures of spirituality for use in military contexts: a scoping review
Suzette Brémault-Phillips, Lori-Ann R. Sacrey, Joanne Olson, Jeanne Weis, Terry Cherwick
Mental health of Canadian Armed Forces Veterans: review of population studies
M. Thompson, Linda D. VanTil, Mark A. Zamorski, Bryan Garber, Sanela
Dursun, Deniz Fikretoglu, David Ross, J. Donald Richardson, Jitender
Sareen, Kerry Sudom, Cyd Courchesne, David J. Pedlar
Arts and Humanities
Leading change in Canadian military medicine: determinants of success, 1685–2016
Robert Engen, Allan English
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