Philip J. Pauly Book Prize Nominations Sought for Histories of Science in the Americas

Type: Prize
Date: July 1, 2016
Location: United States
Subject Fields: American History / Studies, History of Science, Medicine, and Technology, Latin American and Caribbean History / Studies

The Forum for the History of Scienced in America seeks nominations for the 20016 Philip J. Pauly Book Prize. The award, consisting of $500, is given for the best new scholarly book in English in the history of science in America, published in 2013, 2014, or 2015 by a first-time book author. The Prize will be awarded at the History of Science Society's annual meeting in Atlanta this November.
The prize committee construes "America: very broadly, to include works situated geographically in any part of North or South America or the Caribbean, and/or narratives dealing principally with the scientific cultures or institutions of such places. Contributing chapters to edited volumes does not disqualify an author from the "First book" criterion.
Self-nominations are encouraged. Please contact Marc Rothenberg at in order to have copies of a nominated book sent to the prize committee. Copies must be received by July 1 in order to be considered.