Call for Papers - Arcadia: Explorations in Environmental History

Type: Call for Papers
Date: August 1, 2016
Location: Germany
Subject Fields: Environmental History / Studies, Digital Humanities, Atlantic History / Studies, European History / Studies, Humanities
Become part of the Arcadia network!
Founded as a partnership between the European Society for Environmental History (ESEH) and the Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society (RCC), Arcadia is an online, peer-reviewed publication platform for short, illustrated, and engaging environmental histories. Arcadia’s goals are to promote visibility and connections in global environmental history and historically minded cognate disciplines and to make original research accessible for general audiences.
Arcadia (ISSN 2199-3408) features now 92 articles and is archived and catalogued by the Bavarian State Library. We are currently seeking submissions for our Autumn 2016 volume. We will also evaluate proposals for multiple, inter-connected contributions by both individual authors and research groups. All articles will be considered for inclusion in one of our current Arcadia collections: National Parks in Time and Space, Global Environmental Movements, Water Histories, The Nature State, and Rights of Nature Recognition.
Articles from our Spring 2016 volume display a wide variety of topics:
What to submit: Arcadia articles tell short (about 750 words) focused, engaging environmental histories about any site, event, person, organization, or species as it relates to nature and human society. Your text should focus on a specific problem/case and refer to a specific place and time. You should include 2-5 digital objects (images, video/audio, or other materials). Please also provide a short bio (including research and publications related to your article) and a profile photo. The complete guidelines for contributors can be accessed here.
How to submit: Simply send an email with your draft submission to the Arcadia curator, Dr. Wilko Graf von Hardenberg ( Once your draft is accepted for consideration it will be read by two anonymous peer reviewers (ideally within two weeks). If they recommend acceptance, we will ask you to respond to their feedback within two weeks. At that point the resubmitted manuscript will be copy-edited and uploaded for publication. Review of the submissions will start on 1 August 2016. Please submit by then for full consideration. While submissions can still be made at any time, we are concentrating the review process for our three yearly volumes around 1 April, 1 August, and 1 December.
Starting in Autumn 2016, new Arcadia articles will be assigned a Creative Commons CC BY license. This Creative Commons license will ensure that you are always credited for your work, while encouraging its reuse and distribution (“Why CC BY?”). The Rachel Carson Center retains the right to make final edits to Arcadia articles to improve readability. It also retains the right to add, at any time, inline links to further content, to include your contribution into current or future collections, and to change any metadata you provide (e.g., keywords and related links) to ensure smooth and continued functioning of your Arcadia article within the Environment & Society Portal.
For submissions and further information please email
We look forward to your contribution!