Call for Papers: special issue Ludwik Fleck

Transversal: International Journal for the Historiography of Science is pleased to announce a Call for Papers dedicated to the topic “Ludwik Fleck’s Theory of Thought Styles and Thought Collectives – Translations and Receptions”.

Deadline for paper submission: August 30th, 2016.
Publication of the issue: December, 2016.

The main aim of this special issue is to promote a reflection on Ludwik Fleck’s ideas by focusing in particular on translation and reception of his work.

We are interested in understanding the global reception of Fleck’s concepts, particularly within academic contexts, and discussing the problems associated with translating and editing Fleck’s texts. With this call for papers we would like to address an international public of scholars and to compare and correlate the provided case studies. Translators as well as theoreticians of translation are welcome to write about specific problems with translating Ludwik Fleck.

Besides the central focus on language and translation, articles that focus on specific moments, authors and institutions to promote Fleck’s thought are welcome. That might include considerations regarding different disciplinary orientations and genres of Fleck’s articles and the character of the journals in which they were published (medical, philosophical, sociological etc.). Papers may also evaluate the role of crucial controversies about or around Fleck. We also invite discussions about applications of Fleck’s theory in concrete research to be proposed, and arguments about important concepts beyond “thought style and thought collective” adopted from Fleck or yet to be adopted. Finally, contributions to (unknown) parts of Fleck’s biography are appreciated as well.

Submission details:
Submissions must be received by August 30th, 2016 via the webpage of the Journal, so they can be considered for the December 2016 issue. There you will also find thorough instructions for authors.
Submissions must be prepared for double blind review. Notification of acceptance, or refusal or propositions for correction will be sent by October 30th 2016.